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Posts: 41
Are you able to see shows:
- Dan Brown's Lost Symbol
- American Rust
- Into the Night
- Y: The Last Man
They don't appear in the Matrix Next Aired addon even though they do in the Leia version of the addon. It didn't matter what scraper I used to add them to the library. Manually updating the Next Aired cache didn't work, neither did resetting the database.
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Joined: Jul 2015
Someone could help me using TVShowNA in Aeon Nox Silvo?
First of all I am writing from Italy and I am using country ITA obviously.
I am not able to understand why some Tv series are not considered by the Addon and I can't see their status on the info panel of Aeon Nox Silvo.
For example: On Game of thrones, House of Cards, Homeland and Pillars of the Earth does not appear the status, while on the others (Awake, Believe,Black Mirror, Arrow, etc [a lot of them]) I am able to see the Status: Ended or the last episode:4x10.....
Is there a way fo force a single serie or to insert the tvdb ID?
Thank you for your help!
Posts: 15
Joined: Jul 2015
I am not give up easily, so I will try once again to explain my problem:
I am on LEIA 18.9 (and i don't want to upgrade) and I use this addon to scrape my series and obtain the info about their status.
I noticed that some of them was not recognized from the TVSNA and I tried all I was in the position to do to resolve this issue.
Actually I have the zogg version 6.0.17 installed and everything works good except that all the series which have italian name are not recognized by the Addon.
I have checked the file inside the addon and to my understanding the problem could be easily than I figured.
For example if you check the page of you will find that italian language is associated to the string "ita" and not "it", I am not sure that is the problem however could be an info to find the solution.
I have tried to change the name of series inside kodi, from "Homeland - Caccia alla Spia" to simply "Homeland" and the serie was immediately recognized, this confirm my idea that in the moment the name of the serie is scraped something goes wrong:
# language can be "all", "en", "fr", etc.
def get_matching_shows(self, show_name, language=None, want_raw=False):
"""Get a list of shows matching show_name."""
if type(show_name) == type(u''):
show_name = show_name.encode('utf-8')
get_args = {"seriesname": show_name}
if language is not None:
get_args['language'] = "ita"
get_args = urllib.urlencode(get_args, doseq=True)
url = "%s/GetSeries.php?%s" % (self.base_url, get_args)
if want_raw:
filt_func = lambda name, attrs: attrs if name == "Series" else None
filt_func = lambda name, attrs: (attrs.get("seriesid", ""), attrs.get("SeriesName", ""), attrs.get("IMDB_ID", "")) if name == "Series" else None
xml = self._get_xml_data(url, filt_func)
return xml.get('Series', [])
I think the problem could be here (especially because referring to language there is "en", "fr" could be that if put ita instead of "it" something happen?) however I do not have technical expertise to modify this...
Could someone help me? Just explain me, i will try to modify by myself....
Posts: 22
Joined: Aug 2015
Did you ever find any solution to this? I have the addon running fine as standalone on Kodi Nexus - Running the addon from the "addons" menu shows correct information for next aired but the skin is not showing that data. As you say, the home properties do not seem to be working?
Posts: 23
Joined: Jan 2015
I'm getting ready to make the jump from version 18 to the latest version 19.4 (Matrix). Is this addon working now or is there an alternative? If it's working, which version do I need and where do I get it? Thanks in advance for any info you can give me!
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Still working for me on Matrix.