Lost now playing(?) music track/album/artist visualization in Bello 8
Sorry, cross post from Bello 8 release thread.

I upgraded from 18 to 19 and reinstalled Bello 8 and I'm not getting this screen anymore:

Which was my favorite part of the skin, since kodi pretty much plays music all day.  I don't think this was tied to a separate visualization, it seemed to be built in to the skin, but I don't know how to configure/activate it.  It just came up after a minute of idleness.  Any tips on how that worked would be appreciated.
Ok I apparently get it if I hit back from the home screen.  But I don't know what that screen is called nor how to get it to come up automatically.  Trying to google about 'back from home screen' but that's a rough search term.
Go to... Settings > Media > Music > and turn on the "Switch to visualization on playback" setting. Now every time you start playing music
Kodi will switch to now playing screen automatically.

If the now playing info disappears after a couple of seconds press the "i" key on you keyboard (or the "Info" button on your remote)
and the info will show and will stay visible and also every time you are playing music.

Yesssss, thank you sir!

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Lost now playing(?) music track/album/artist visualization in Bello 80