No cd image in music library
Dear Artwork Dump-Pros!
I' ve also switched to kodi 19 using the Estuary MOD V2 by Kodinerds. Have installed ArtworkDump and ArtistSlideshow. Everything works fine but one thing drives me crazy and I've spent hours finding a solution - hope you guys might be able to help.

If I start music-playback kodi changes to fullscreen - you see cover and fanart is there too. Also the cd starts spinning - my problem: it is the cd with handwriting on it and not the png that spins. I've already searched several forums and tried some changes. For example I have changed the file from cdart.png into discart.png - still no changes.
Then I thought that cdart might not work because my files are saved to a qnap-nas so I copied my music-library to a harddrive - no changes.

Any ideas how I could make kodi use the pngs instead of the blank cds?

This has nothing to do with Artwork Dump, so I have split you off and moved you to the skin forum.
The handwritten cd image is provided by the skin - Estuary MOD V2 by Kodinerds
The correct name is discart.png
You can't just change filenames and add artwork without letting Kodi know you have done that. Artwork needs to be there before you scan/scrape or, if not, then you use Choose Art to load the artwork.
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Hi Karellen!

Sorry for causing troubles ... I couldn't see my post, thought the upload didn't work and wrote a new one - also in the wrong part of the forum.

I guessed that Artwork Dump could not load the correct pngs and therefore I have posted my questions there.

Thanks for your explanations - So one way to solve the problem would be to delete the library - change the cdart.pngs into discart.pngs and scrab again. Clicking on the album and "update" the file would be the other one. Did I understand your advises correctly?

Best regards
(2021-12-01, 17:55)Epikur17 Wrote: Thanks for your explanations - So one way to solve the problem would be to delete the library - change the cdart.pngs into discart.pngs and scrab again. Clicking on the album and "update" the file would be the other one. Did I understand your advises correctly?
Yes you understood correctly.

First of all, change cdarts.png to discart.png...

To load the artwork either...
1. Delete the album from the library and rescan, or
2. From the album information page, select Refresh, or
3. Select Choose Art on the information page and manually load the artwork into Kodi

Requirements for Artist artwork...
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Dear Karellen!

Thank you very much for solving the problem. Manually adding the discart did not work - searching the album informations directly was the solution - I'm very happy. Will contact you.

Best regards
If you have the Kodi option 'search for thumbnails on remote shares', and then add new CD artwork after the library has been updated, then play a track from the album you added said artwork to, it will find it and use it, at least this happens in Aeon Madnox - the skin I'm using - because I've done just that before now. That might not be true of your skin.

The CD image MUST be a PNG image, no JPGs, as JPGs do not support background transparency. It's highly likely that if you add a 'discart.jpg' file, it will be ignored for that reason (pretty sure i've witnessed this as well).

Dan / Gib.
Thanks Dan/Gib for yout hints!

It took me a while to answer your post because I have build a new structure for my musiclibrary following the instructions given here in the forum.

Now my folders are sorted like this: artist with fanarts and so on - title of CD and folder.jpg, discart.png ... was a lot of work because I wanted to find pictures and discarts manually or with the help of AlbumArtDownloader.

Starting the new Lib I recognized that some discarts are not transparent (the whole picture - a sqaure) is spinning in others everything works fine.

Already tried:

Load discart into and saved the image again as .png.
Manually choose the discart - same result.
Change the skin to AeonNox and there it works - just the CD is rotating.
Changing back to Estuary Mod V2 - the background rotates too.

I have read that there was a script for a "mask" (making discart transparent where it should be) for an older version. Is it possible to add a script für this final step? 

Best regards

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