Solved MCE eHome remote/receiver: Not all button presses make it to Kodi (RPi3+ArchLinuxARM)

I hope this is the proper section, I also thought about posting in the Raspberry section, but here we go.

I'm trying to use an old Microsoft MCE receiver/remote combo in Kodi v19.3-3 running on a RaspberryPi 3 and ArchLinuxARM (system is completely up-to-date: uname -a).

I want to use it (due to the supposed simplicity) with the built-in kernel modules, not LIRC. I didn't touch LIRC at all (besides having to install it due to the dependencies). To be on the safe side, I checked using systemctl that all lirc services are dead and not enabled by default.

On a side note: This setup used to workwith this configuration file until roughly a year ago when my SD card died. Now I set the Raspberry and ArchLinuxARM up again, but the OK and back button are not recognised in Kodi anymore.

The receiver/remote is properly recognised with lsusb and sudo ir-keytable. The scancodes for the OK (0x800f0422) and back (0x800f0423) buttons in question are recognised in Arch when checked with sudo ir-keytable -t (buttons pressed: UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, OK, BACK, BACK, BACK, BACK; I'm a bit worried about the lirc protocol part though). However, OK and back don't make it to Kodi, see relevant output of kodi.log. After the log ends, I pressed the back button several times, but there is nothing in the log about it whatsoever. From what I understand, there should at least be a log entry, even if there was no action mapped to it in Kodi.

Searching for a solution to my problem, I figured out that the configuration files now need a new formatting, so I created a rc6_mce.toml in /etc/rc_keymaps/. When I load this configuration using sudo ir-keytable -c -w /etc/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce.toml
 successfully, I can at least use the OK button in Kodi (select action). The back button remains unrecognised though. I went through all possible names that came to my mind for the back button in my .toml file (0x800f0423 = "KEY_BACK", "KEY_BACKSPACE", "KEY_ESC", "KEY_ESCAPE"; "KEY_ESCAPE" would even throw an error message), but non of them give me any feedback in Kodi or the kodi.log.

I did not touch /etc/rc_maps.cfg at all and given the fact that it contains the line * rc-rc6-mce rc6_mce.toml I assume it should be okay.

I spent a whole day on this issue now and read the guide on the seamless remote experience, but I can't figure out what the problem might be. For whatever reason the back button is recognised in the OS but not in Kodi.

There are related issues (but not the same) and I also found some connection to a Kernel bug, but I know way too little about this stuff. Any help is appreciated, if you need further logs or info, please let me know and I'll try to provide it.

Thanks in advance and best regards.

Problem magically disappeared when I replugged the receiver. I have no clue what the issue was, see new kodi.log. Both lsusb and sudo rc-keytable look the same, also testing with sudo rc-keytable -t looks identically.

Thread marked solved.

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MCE eHome remote/receiver: Not all button presses make it to Kodi (RPi3+ArchLinuxARM)0