2022-01-30, 20:11
Okay cool so I can have like a movie page with movie widgets and a tv page with tv widgets (like how ur cosmic can do this)
(2022-01-30, 20:11)TheGoosty Wrote: Okay cool so I can have like a movie page with movie widgets and a tv page with tv widgets (like how ur cosmic can do this)
(2022-01-30, 17:36)heppen Wrote:@heppen thanks for the fix, I'll test when I get home tonight.(2022-01-30, 13:29)jshn Wrote: just a message you have changed something in the skin I just updated it and now everything is gone.It should be fixed. Thanks for your report, and sorry all for the issue.
So something goes wrong, suddenly the screen is blank and you can't get anywhere.
it's about the changes from an hour ago.
I thought I'd report it.
(2022-01-30, 18:22)TheGoosty Wrote: - In the settings where you can customize the selection size (border thickness) to bold or thin, if you choose thin - I'm not even getting a border at all around the tiles (widgets). Shouldn't it be a thin stroke?
(2022-01-31, 18:34)gotslack Wrote: I feel like the Movie Hub idea is not intuitive and adds a layer of complexity that's not really needed to such a clean/fast skin. I've watched the video you posted on setting it up, and played with it in the skin and I can't see why I'd personally ever use it.Sorry but I don't like that idea.
An alternate suggestion I'd like to propose that could address user requests on grouping widgets by type (movie, shows, etc) but still keep a single global widget wall while increasing navigation speed and ease would be to add a "Set starting widget number" option in each menu item like how there is a "Set header widget" option now.
Let's say for example the user has a Movies menu item and a TV Shows menu item in the top navigation, and on the global widget wall they have 10 widgets with widgets 1-5 being movie related and widgets 6-10 being tv show related. In the menu item options for Movies you could set starting widget number to 1 and in the TV Shows menu item options you could set starting widget number to 6. When you navigate from say Search to Movies on the top nav it would scroll to widget 1 on the home screen (if not already there), then when you navigate from Movies to TV Shows it would scroll to widget 6. Focus would need to stay on the menu bar during all this so you could continue navigation until a down press to get to the widget area.
To make identifying the widget numbers easier, in the Global widget wall setup options, you could add widget numbering next to the label name column on the left side of the screen that doesn't show in the label names themselves on the homescreen but makes identifying which starting widget number to use easy.
This optional starting widget functionality could also ease navigation on large global widget walls where it's easier to navigate over a few menu entries to jump to the widget section you want than scroll down 20+ widget rows manually.
Thoughts on this possibility?
(2022-01-31, 19:25)heppen Wrote: Sorry but I don't like that idea.No worries, just seemed like you were drifiting from your original design goals of a simple unified widget wall. Best of luck to you
For widget grouping you can use Movies Hub. Just set your menu entries to (for example) Movies and TV Shows. Register widgets for them and voil'a you have grouped widgets. For the rest widgets you can setup your global wall or global wall in Movies Hub.
In this update I will bring option to set Movies Hub as a default Home screen so you wont need to go into Movies Hub each time you want to see your widgets.
(2022-02-01, 14:52)Criddler23 Wrote: I really like how this skin is at the moment.I have no need for the movie hub, I hope the changes coming don’t slow up this amazing skin.Perhaps any new features should be included in a fork?.Just my opinion of course.Thanks for your hard work