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Req Add-on Request: Odysee / LBRY
(2022-02-21, 20:47)LittleBear1981 Wrote: @heppen Thank you. Found a donation link. Sending encouragement.. lol 
your new skin blue twilight is awesome too! I'm testing it out on a few different platforms..

152.25 PLN sent. Giggles.. I need to go learn something new!
Hello, Poland
Said, a guy in Wisconsin...
Thank you so much! That's a lot of money Smile
I will publish new add-on when it's ready. If you need help installing it right now, pm me Smile
Money not important, time is irrelevant...

I do believe you are thankful. Smile
I would encourage you to do what makes you happy...

I work the drive thru window at a Dunkin donuts right now, got lots of hours stacked up.. I go for the fun of it... Just helping a friend out right now...

All my bills are paid.... I got some cannabis. I am good..
I have been playing with Linux for a long time.. since 1998.. I love a good log file... It's the first place I check to verify that I made a mistake... Lol
I did not donate...but just out of curiosity...is there a plugin now?
(2022-03-25, 20:14)phonky Wrote: I did not donate...but just out of curiosity...is there a plugin now?
I was working on one. It is very simple in this state but works somehow: https://github.com/kpl-addons/plugin.video.odysee
If you need assistance with installation tell me. Unfortunatelly I had to stop working on it because lack of time. Maybe soon I will back to it.

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Add-on Request: Odysee / LBRY0