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Solved Kodi just stopped playing video
Hi, yesterday I tried to play a movie but something suddenly broke. I've tried to "uninstall - delete kodi folder from Windows - restart - reinstall" just preserving userdata and addons folders, since I don't want to spend a lot of time customizing it from 0, but no results. Movies are ok and miniPC is working (I can play same movies with VLC with no issue)
Here's the log
Any idea?
(2022-06-16, 16:35)minisergium Wrote: Here's the log

I have a problem with the 3rd party repos and add-ons you have installed on your Kodi setup. After some googling, they both appear to be "all-in-one" repositories for videos (cristalazul) and sports (camaradas), and neither of them seem to be very legal. Hence why I have placed them on Kodi's list of banned add-ons for the time being.

So unless you can convince me otherwise that these add-ons are "okay", I'm gonna withhold support for now.
Ok, I understand. Does it change anything if I get rid of all addons apart from Cosmic skin and upload log again? Cosmic is the one addon I use everyday and don't want to loose its setup, if possible.
The Cosmic skin is fine. Clean up your repo's and add-ons. Enable debugging in Kodi (which you forgot the previous time), restart Kodi, reproduce the error(s) and provide the new debug log.
(2022-06-16, 23:36)Klojum Wrote: The Cosmic skin is fine. Clean up your repo's and add-ons. Enable debugging in Kodi (which you forgot the previous time), restart Kodi, reproduce the error(s) and provide the new debug log.
Thanks for your help, Klojum.
I just deleted all addons but I think I finally managed to find the solution. Seemed to be something related to DirectSound. I changed the audio settings and now everything seems to go fine. This was the log before changing settings.
Thread marked solved.

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Kodi just stopped playing video0