Release Star+
Star Plus has now been retired in favour of just the standard Disney+ service
I have an add-on for that here:
excellent work as always, do you plan on adding live events?
Yes, they shouldn't be far away at all Smile
Can you advise how you got to a live channel inside the addon? It may help with my testing
Couldnt access any live channels, but they seem to be within the favourites section
(2022-07-07, 13:52)matthuisman Wrote: Image
Source Code

Info & Install Instructions
Thanks again for the great work!!
Btw how áudio and subtitle alow list works? Can I add more than one? Should I write the name of it?
Great! 0.0.3 whith live events!

This is maybe not a bug, but one thing I saw is that live events have very tricky names on the json, EJ: some times the tv event is calld "ESPN F40" so in the json you get de brief and full name as "ESPN F40" on both, other times no one gives you a complete description, Ej you can have like 5 events with a brief as "Formula 1" and on the full key you have "GP Austria", or "On Board" etc so maybe you need to combine them in some way. 

Tank you for the work man, really apreciate it.
Got an error when I try to search a series

On line 303 of one solution could be
'year': row['releases'][0]['releaseYear'] if row['releases'] else '1970',

Works proporly if I go to Series -> all series -> all series and scroll to that name

That seems to be also a bug, "all series" go to a page with a single entry named "all series"

I'll get both the above sorted. The live needs more work. Eg. Date when it's due to air. Better title, description.

Also need to fix search
Excellent work, at this moment Im watching ESPN 2 live (Winbledon Final) without problems
what country are you in? I don't get any results for scrubs using Brazil

Just pushed v0.0.4 which has a few more improvements for live events and also search
(2022-07-12, 11:38)matthuisman Wrote: @simonpedro
what country are you in? I don't get any results for scrubs using Brazil
As it works now I can see that the problem was not scrubs, the search returns 2 results, Scrubs and Scrum+ (dont know why) and the second one has no release year, thats why it failed before.
ok, that should be solved with latest version anyway Smile
[font][font]ola usando aqui no brasil pesquisa ok eventos ao vivo também ok até agora não encontrei nenhuma falha[/font][/font]
(2022-07-13, 03:59)flcbit Wrote: ola usando aqui no brasil pesquisa ok eventos ao vivo também ok até agora não encontrei nenhuma falha
Google translate:
"hello using here in brazil search ok live events also ok so far I haven't found any failure"

Great to hear that Smile
Please post in English in the future as this is English language only forum

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