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(2022-07-24, 23:34)skinner99 Wrote:
(2022-04-27, 16:18)bornagainpenguin Wrote: Most of the Skins for Kodi itself do not seem to do much with the theming of the PVR GUI.  At least not that I've seen.

Thanks for the reply.

Yep, Kodi's PVR section definetly needs some love. For starters take a look at the last 5 screenshots from the Unfussy Skin here:

There's also a thread here on this forum:
Unfortunately neither of those links work for me.

EDIT:  Doing a search of what url there was yielded the first link I think.  No luck at all on the thread in the forums here.
(2022-07-26, 02:04)bornagainpenguin Wrote: Unfortunately neither of those links work for me.

EDIT:  Doing a search of what url there was yielded the first link I think.  No luck at all on the thread in the forums here.
Upps, sorry.
The first link you succesfully found yourself, for the thread about Unfussy try this link please:
Question: are channels generated via smart playlists intended to respect the smart playlist sort order? Mine do not seem to be doing so.

It's not a huge deal. I'd just like to know before I go about trying to troubleshoot things.
(2022-08-16, 05:27)Kriven Wrote: Question: are channels generated via smart playlists intended to respect the smart playlist sort order? Mine do not seem to be doing so.

It's not a huge deal. I'd just like to know before I go about trying to troubleshoot things.

PseudoTV Live is codded to respect playlist rules if you're running a custom smart playlist channel.

*Note; if you alter a playlist channel after it has initially built, depending on your content limits it may take a few days till you see your changes reflected in the channel.

Please post a log and post your xsp for further help.
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
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(2022-08-16, 16:05)Lunatixz Wrote:
(2022-08-16, 05:27)Kriven Wrote: Question: are channels generated via smart playlists intended to respect the smart playlist sort order? Mine do not seem to be doing so.

It's not a huge deal. I'd just like to know before I go about trying to troubleshoot things.

PseudoTV Live is codded to respect playlist rules if you're running a custom smart playlist channel.

*Note; if you alter a playlist channel after it has initially built, depending on your content limits it may take a few days till you see your changes reflected in the channel.

Please post a log and post your xsp for further help.
I'll give it a few days to see if it corrects itself when the channels refresh. If it doesn't, I'll send you a log.
Question about the Pluto TV integration – is it a known limitation that, when looking at the timeline view, you can't see info about current and future content on Pluto-derived channels? Or should I theoretically be able to see that?
(2022-08-27, 22:29)the_3 Wrote: Question about the Pluto TV integration – is it a known limitation that, when looking at the timeline view, you can't see info about current and future content on Pluto-derived channels? Or should I theoretically be able to see that?

You should see guidedata, besure to have my beta repo installed for latest updates.
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
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Is there a straightforward way to make PTVL "redo" the schedule for a user channel, completely ignoring what has previously been scheduled?

I am having an issue where I created a smart playlist (TGIF sitcoms from the 90s), originally pulling from only two TV shows as a test. I created a channel from it, and at first blush everything seemed good: the channel appeared in the guide with an assortment of episodes of those two shows. Then, I modified the smart playlist to include about a dozen total shows. But when I look at the guide, the next day and change are still exclusively those first two shows. I have to go way out in the timeline before I start to see the more recently-added content start to get sprinkled in.

I have tried exiting & restarting Kodi, deleting the channel in the manager & then re-creating it. Most recently, I even tried a complete uninstall of PTVL + reinstall & re-creating the channel. Every time, the result is effectively the same: hours and hours of only those first two shows, before it eventually pivots over to a more expected distribution of all of the content.
(2022-08-28, 21:53)the_3 Wrote: Is there a straightforward way to make PTVL "redo" the schedule for a user channel, completely ignoring what has previously been scheduled?

I am having an issue where I created a smart playlist (TGIF sitcoms from the 90s), originally pulling from only two TV shows as a test. I created a channel from it, and at first blush everything seemed good: the channel appeared in the guide with an assortment of episodes of those two shows. Then, I modified the smart playlist to include about a dozen total shows. But when I look at the guide, the next day and change are still exclusively those first two shows. I have to go way out in the timeline before I start to see the more recently-added content start to get sprinkled in.

I have tried exiting & restarting Kodi, deleting the channel in the manager & then re-creating it. Most recently, I even tried a complete uninstall of PTVL + reinstall & re-creating the channel. Every time, the result is effectively the same: hours and hours of only those first two shows, before it eventually pivots over to a more expected distribution of all of the content.
Not really, you'd have to clear the cache (simplecache.db) and delete the xmltv file to force a rebuild.

I'll look into adding additional code to handle smartplaylist changes....
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
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So after forcing a rebuild, things are working pretty smoothly for me now! At least until I modify the smart playlists. I'm seeing something bizarre, though. I have 7 channels configured now, all user channels. And while the channels themselves all appear as you would expect in the guide, two of them are failing to actually populate with content. Do you see anything in my log here that would explain that?

fiyezebifu.kodi (paste)
(2022-09-01, 00:39)the_3 Wrote: So after forcing a rebuild, things are working pretty smoothly for me now! At least until I modify the smart playlists. I'm seeing something bizarre, though. I have 7 channels configured now, all user channels. And while the channels themselves all appear as you would expect in the guide, two of them are failing to actually populate with content. Do you see anything in my log here that would explain that?

fiyezebifu.kodi (paste)

Can you enable Debug level logging and which channels are having issues? THX
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
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Sure thing. After I cleared the TV & EPG .db files and restarted Kodi with debug logging, here is the updated log.

What's interesting is that my results are a bit unpredictable: every time, it's a bit hit and miss whether a given channel will build out correctly, or not. Yesterday when I posted the previous log, it was my "90s NBC" and "90s MTV" channels that weren't working. And now this morning, with this new log, it's just "90s MTV". I have yet to get all my channels to work simultaneously.

When I am viewing the timeline/guide, working channels appear as expected with individual videos appearing consecutively. But for the channels that are not wanting to work, they just appear as a giant nameless multi-hour "block" on the timeline.
(2022-09-01, 19:39)the_3 Wrote: Sure thing. After I cleared the TV & EPG .db files and restarted Kodi with debug logging, here is the updated log.

What's interesting is that my results are a bit unpredictable: every time, it's a bit hit and miss whether a given channel will build out correctly, or not. Yesterday when I posted the previous log, it was my "90s NBC" and "90s MTV" channels that weren't working. And now this morning, with this new log, it's just "90s MTV". I have yet to get all my channels to work simultaneously.

When I am viewing the timeline/guide, working channels appear as expected with individual videos appearing consecutively. But for the channels that are not wanting to work, they just appear as a giant nameless multi-hour "block" on the timeline.

Looks like you're running an outdated version of PseudoTV Live (0.3.2f) which is why some channels are having issues building... Current version is v0.3.8
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
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Uhh…weird. I installed from the Lunatixz Beta Repository, and PTVV is set to auto-update. I also uninstalled & manually reinstalled a few times recently – shouldn't that be giving me the newest version?
Okay, that was bizarre, but everything is working now. In the add-on browser, I navigated to your beta repo and then forced a "check for updates" from the context menu. Kodi immediately popped a message that PTVL had failed to install. So then I navigated over to see if it was still the previous version number, and it was just *gone*. Didn't even show up as an installed add-on anymore.

Went ahead and installed it fresh from your beta repo & restarted Kodi, and all of my channels were still there (so they didn't get wiped out by the weird failed update) and building correctly in the guide now Smile
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