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[WINDOWS] External Player Support Thread
I highly doubt it, but is there any way to launch an external player and still use XBMCs controls? For example, I want an external player to launch for my own reasons, but I would still like the button functionality of XBMC. Is there any way this is possible? Basically it would be XBMC opening the video file in another player but controlling it with XBMC. I know it sounds ridiculous but I figured I'd ask!
well hours after hours i have to get xbmc working with mpc cause of that shitty tearing with normal player :/

well i got mpc working fine with xbmc right now. just one question - how can i disable the flickering?! i dont know how to explain correctly in english... but let me try

i start xbmc in fullscreen - go to movies - play xxx.avi - mpc opens and starts playing.
but it flickers like hell... like there is something in the background switching to it 1000 times a minute... background -> movie -> background -> movie and so on...

hope anyone understand me and might help me
treblade Wrote:but it flickers like hell... like there is something in the background switching to it 1000 times a minute... background -> movie -> background -> movie and so on...

What renderer are you running with?

I think that overlay might give the sort of flicker you're describing. Try something like VRM9 or if you have vista EVR.
treblade Wrote:well i got mpc working fine with xbmc right now. just one question - how can i disable the flickering?! i dont know how to explain correctly in english... but let me try

i start xbmc in fullscreen - go to movies - play xxx.avi - mpc opens and starts playing.
but it flickers like hell... like there is something in the background switching to it 1000 times a minute... background -> movie -> background -> movie and so on...

I had a similar problem with the taskbar flickering. I'm not sure what solved it, but it went away. Make sure no other applications (including those in the system tray) are trying to display something.

Here's my advancedsettings.xml:

<args>/fullscreen /play /close</args>

I hope this helps.

RE: SVN 18923 from Ikon

great info on here. wanted a little help with BSPlayer 2.35 Pro on Vista32. (not discussing or comparing players in my post Tongue)

I checked the command line options for this player. Here they are:

Command line parameters

-fs        Start in fullscreen mode
-ar=W:H        Aspect ratio, ex.: -ar=16:9
-asx        Start with x audio stream
        x=1-> 1st audio stream
        x=2-> 2nd audio stream
        x=n-> n audio stream
-pan        Pan-scan mode
-nsub        Disable subtitles
-skin=SKIN    Start with specified skin, ex.:-skin=Base
-res=WxHxDxF    Startup resolution (W=width, H=height, D=color depth, F=Frequency), ex.: -res=800x600x32-80
-lang=        Specify language, ex:. -lang=English
-eend        Exit when movie is finished
-sdown        Shutdown when movie is finished
-stime=x    Start movie at x seconds
-deskmode    Start in desktop mode
-hide        Hide controls

I tested with the run command and everything worked perfectly using this:
C:\Program Files\Webteh\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe "D:\Movies\HD\Casino Royale.mkv" -fs -eend -hide

I then tried it with XBMC AdvancedSettings.xml. Here is my code:


  <filename>C:\Program Files\Webteh\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe</filename>
  <args>-fs -eend -hide</args>


BSPlayer launches but no video runs. When I close it, it brings XBMC back.
forceontop has no effect but must be used or bsplayer runs but XBMC stays on top and is stuck until i use task manager and quit BSPlayer.

Took a break here and was preparing a log to show you guys and I noticed one thing so i wont paste the log. I saw this:
CExternalPlayer::ExecuteAppW32: C:\Program Files\Webteh\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe "C:\Program Files\Webteh\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe" -fs -eend -hide "D:\Movies\HD\Casino Royale 1080.mkv"

It looks like the args are insterted in between the exe and the video file. I tested that using the run command and lo and behold, same problem.

Is there any way to have the args come after the video file name? Strange that BSPlayer is picky about this. To test, it works perfectly without putting any args in the external player tags.
Can anyone make posibility to XBMC AdvancedSettings adjust from the skin (video/options...)?
this would be too easy for you then.
You must suffer.
abba: Just make a batch file that launches bsplayer. It's a oneliner.
will the latest build with the external player work with aeon stark? because i see that a newer build is recommended in the aeon stark thread.

thank you
jkasyan: was thinking about that idea, but how would i get the arguments after the video file name?

it works right now without any arguments. it will not work with arguments between the executable and the filename.
Please if somebody can tell me if this is possible it would solve so much for me.

Can i configure XBMC to use an external player for ONLY certain file extensions ?

I want to launch an external player but ONLY for my ISO files. I have come at this from several angles, and having an external player launch for just my ISO files is the simplest.

Please let me know if this is something that I can configure.

Thank you.
dont know how but its possible, i think i read it in this thread.
Thanks neurosis13 ! I did try to read through the 40+ pages of this thread.

I found this post which MIGHT be PERFECT for what I want to do. I hope it works if it does it will solove so many of my headaches.

zaldwaik Wrote:I wrote this little app to allow you choose which player you want to play based on file type extension.

- Download the zip file here
- unzip to the folder of your choice
- change your XBMC external player setting to point to pickplayer.exe including path
- In config.ini change your settings to use a player based on file extension.
- At a minimum you have to have the default entry. I have 3 entries in the file, so it should be easy to use
- Test it out, it worked fine for me
- Enjoy!

to any of the devs, there is one thing i would like to request.

re: http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=395

is it possible to add a parameter to the <externalplayer> section in advancedsettings.xml to change the order xbmc creates the command. right now its "externalplayer.exe arguements filename".

something like <argsafter>true</argsafter>, where default could be false if not specified, so that the command xbmc executes if true is in the order of "externalplayer.exe file_name arguements"

Firstly, thank you moby-uk for a great bit of work. (The length of this thread is testimony how it important it was to people!)

Not sure whether this is possible but does anyone know if there is a command to launch the external player without neccesarily passing a file name. The new Aeon skin has a Play Disc menu item which I would like to link to PowerDVD for blu-ray.

I know I can set the advancedsettings.xml to use PowerDVD as the default for DVD's, which I assume would cover Blu-ray as well (although I haven't been able to get this working successfully yet so if anyone has a config I could have a look at that would be great :-) ) but thought this would be an added bonus. I would rather let XBMC play the DVD's and PowerDVD the Blu-Rays.

Cheers all.

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[WINDOWS] External Player Support Thread11