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WIP Media importing and library integration (UPnP, Emby, Plex, ...)
I have an issue. When i leave my main box on for like 1 hour it losses its connection so i have to reboot.. Any ideas?

I have to manualy reconnect to the wifi.
(2022-09-18, 17:01)psrkallez06 Wrote: I have an issue. When i leave my main box on for like 1 hour it losses its connection so i have to reboot.. Any ideas?

I have to manualy reconnect to the wifi.
Hm that's not really something that should be different in my work. Maybe this is an issue introduced with Kodi 20 or LibreELEC?
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Could be.. It randomly disconnects, sometimes in 10 minutes and sometimes in 4 hours but everytime i have to manually reconnect.. I tried with another wifi. Same thing. Weird.
I still got the issue with wifi disconnecting. It happens both on my main device and my second device.. So weird. Sometimes it happens in the middle of a movie. And sometimes it happens when i leave it for 10 minutes and sometimes it takes 3 hours..
That part of networking is usually handled by the OS, in this case LibreELEC. I would try to run an updated build but there are heavy changes on Kodi and LibreELEC right now. Best to wait until it settle a bit. At that time, a rebase maybe necessary. Please hang tight for a bit.

I don't see the problem because I connect my devices with cables rather than WiFi.

(2022-10-02, 21:20)LongMan Wrote: That part of networking is usually handled by the OS, in this case LibreELEC. I would try to run an updated build but there are heavy changes on Kodi and LibreELEC right now. Best to wait until it settle a bit. At that time, a rebase maybe necessary. Please hang tight for a bit.

I don't see the problem because I connect my devices with cables rather than WiFi.


Thanks for your answer. I will be patient! Smile
Sorry for writing again.. But this has gone too far.. Ive been watching a movie. And i had to reconnect 5 Times.. Is there a script or something that auto reconnects? Thanks.
Try this vanilla LibreELEC build on your client and check if you have the same problem.
Alright. Will try tonight. This is without media import? Smile
So update.. I don't get disconnected with the version you uploaded. but i also noticed that i only get disconnected when the main box is on.. when that one is off and i watch netflix for example, i can watch for hours without any disconnects..
  • The Vanilla LibreELEC Build does not disconnect.
  • The MediaImport Build doesn't disconnects when the Main (Other MediaImport Build) is off
  • The MediaImport Build disconnects after a while if the Main (Other MediaImport Build)s on

Is this correct?
(2022-10-26, 09:52)LongMan Wrote: @psrkallez06.
  • The Vanilla LibreELEC Build does not disconnect.
  • The MediaImport Build doesn't disconnects when the Main (Other MediaImport Build is on)
  • The MediaImport Build disconnects after a while if the Main (Other MediaImport Build is on)

Is this correct?

That is correct.
Could you upload The previous kodi that i had before but with the latest media import? I wanna see if i it Will work with The other version. Personally it doesnt matter which version of kodi i have.
Are you talking about the one that was disconnecting?
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Media importing and library integration (UPnP, Emby, Plex, ...)10