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Beta Spotify for Kodi
@Tecko71 Never worked on android
Can someone please tell me if this addon supports podcasts? Podcast with video to be exact.

I've asked around and can't recieve an answer
"We won't tell you what to do, not to do or how to use our software." -DarrenHill

the Spotify Addon works for me now in hotel-like wlan with Kodi 19 and ldsz fork:


Kind regards,
Hi all,
121 pages to read is quite a lot Smile
Assuming there is only KODI v19.4 to be used: any other news to be mentioned?
(2022-12-12, 17:38)PackElend Wrote: add-on is not listed anymore in https://github.com/kodi-community-addons...arcelveldt
although still be referenced in tutorials as https://www.techybugz.com/how-to/how-to-...i-spotify/

p.s. I still cannot edit my post, so I must post again.
(2022-12-12, 17:38)PackElend Wrote: Hi all,
121 pages to read is quite a lot Smile
Assuming there is only KODI v19.4 to be used: any other news to be mentioned?

ldsz's version still works with no problems for me on 20 rc1 but nope - no updates for a while.
alright thx
Still not able to use.
Credentials errors.
Tried editing advancedsettings.xml with the following lines with no success:
egifewixik (paste)
Hi all,
Does anyone know if the spotify addon by @LdSz is working on arm64 ?
I've installed kodi 19.4 on RPi4 (raspiOS 64bit)In the log got this tracebak error:  https://paste.kodi.tv/vofefepama.kodi
In installed in Kodi 19.4 using Libreelec running on pi 4 rev b 1.4 4gb.
So I guess it should work with raspi os as well but who knows as the os are different
does anyone know if @mherger is still present here ? I know it is on the squeezbox forum, I'm using his spotty binary for aarch64  ( https://github.com/michaelherger/Spotty-...ch64-linux) but when running it I got {"error":"Failed to create session or connect to servers."}
I'v setup an app on spotify with client_id/client_secret added the user, multiple check that there is no mistyping in the username/password aswell , but still can't connect ....
(2021-05-20, 12:59)Acromion1754 Wrote: no way for me. installed last release from ldsz (1.2.3) but i cannot connect, keeps saying "Please connect this device with the Spotify App on your phone to Login or enter your credentials in the Settings dialog"
here's the log:

Facing the same issue while using Spotify. If you found any solution the do let me know.
MarcelVeldt's original plugin seems to be removed and ldsz' version - although still functional for some users - seems not to be actively maintained anymore. I took the liberty of writing my own Spotify plugin for users who don't mind compiling their own binary. As of right now, it's only working on linux-based installations, but I'll work on Windows and Mac releases in the (near) future too.

I have a working version available for testing/development in this github repo: https://github.com/jhjdekker98/plugin.au...fyd-client

If anyone wants to test it out and give me some feedback in the issues section, be my guest.
Hi  im using ldsz's version  kodi matrix with no issue ..but  info says  tracks are pcm and 1411 kbps  ..is it True  ..Is spotify wav playing?
I just upgraded to LE 11 with Kodi 20.0 (Nexus), but the ldsz's version is no longer working for me :-(
Anyone who has the same experience?
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