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[RELEASE] HD-Trailers.net Video Plugin
@Not Sure 

There already is a full rewrite of the addon for python 3. I almost overlooked it myself:


I made some further improvements to the python 3 version from above linked thread, but i need some more time for release cleanup due to the many other projects. Oo
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Awesome! Thank you for this info
@Not Sure 
No problem. I'll let you know when i finished my further changes to the "...reloaded" add-on. I'll put it into my repo once it's finished.

...and feel free to leave the rewrite author @WebEye some thumbs-up on his posts. Music (He seems to be inactive since mid-year, but nonetheless...)
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@Not Sure 

The rewrite from @WebEye is now online in my REPO.

The new version is 2.0.1.
I made changes and additions to the navigation, artwork and added some usability improvements.
The addon now has the old addon id again (plugin.video.hdtrailers_net) for better update compability when upgrading Kodi from version 18 or lower. (I removed the additional "reloaded" string from code and artwork)

2.0.1 (2022-12-31)

- Improvements to the automatic View Type selection
- Added main page button to all subfolders
- Clean up unused code and language strings

2.0.0 (2022-12-31)

- Python 3 full rewrite by WebEye for Kodi 19+20
- Improvements, additional changes and release cleanup by axbmcuser

Once @WebEye returns, he could happily chime in to talk about what we do going forward. Smile

Edit & Question:
- Does someone know how to exactly change/update the "parent folder" item url/action when browsing the addon?
At the moment it's using Kodis default urls which results in bad usability when using it.
At least when being at the lowest level of the addon, using the "parent folder" item should always QUIT the addon and not go "back" all over the place.
Would love to fix this conceptional issue at one time. Not sure how. Help appreciated. Smile

For now, you have to use the Kodi HOME action on your remote/keyboard to quit the addon, which is suboptimal, to say the least.

- Please let me know how version 2.0.1 works out for you. Feel free to compare the navigation to the original "reloaded" version before my changes.
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[RELEASE] HD-Trailers.net Video Plugin1