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Release Skin XML Converter + Formatter
Can this be used to scan the skin folders of scripts?

Like in [...]\Kodi\addons\script.tv.show.next.aired\resources\skins or [...]\Kodi\addons\script.games.rom.collection.browser\resources\skins

I tried it and it seems it doesnt except any of them as valid skin folder.
nope, doesnt work for scripts. (also, not every feature makes sense for script xmls because they cannot have includes, variables etc)
for a workaround you can just put those xmls into a skin folder and convert that one then.
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Estuary: Kodis new default skin - ExtendedInfo Script - KodiDevKit

Once again thanks for this super tool, it has pointed out numerous problems with my skin over the years. This time I'm pretty sure the problem is with the tool and not my skin.

When scanning the skin for problems with includes the tool flags a number of include files as not being used when they are in fact are, for example:

PHP Code:
Unused Include: HorzHomeMenu - [Includes_HorzHome.xml Line 3

In my skin, I am using the following line to include the above include in my Home.xml file.

PHP Code:
    <include condition="Skin.HasSetting(homemenu-horizontal) | [!Skin.HasSetting(homemenu-vertical) + !Skin.HasSetting(homemenu-icon)]" file="Includes_HorzHome.xml">HorzHomeMenu</include> 

I think the issue with the line that your program does not pickup is that I use file="Includes_HorzHome.xml", which is a valid way to include code within Kodi. That is instead of pulling all of the include type files into the main includes.xml file and then accessing the include from there I choose to include directly from my assorted custom include files and hopefully save a little bit of memory.

Hope I have made the problem clear. I'm pretty sure this has happened with all versions of the tool, but it definitely is a problem with 1.2.6

Wyrm (AppTV)
If required a FULL debug log can now be submitted from the skin in settings->skin settings->support. Or follow instructions here if you can't access skin settings.

FAQ's located at :- http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:AppTV
for code checking please use SublimeKodi from now on. That one is a lot easier to maintain for me and also contains improved skin sanity checks. not sure if it can deal properly with your special usage though (never seen that before), would be nice if you could report back in the appropriate thread then.
Donate: https://kodi.tv/contribute/donate (foundation), 146Gr48FqHM7TPB9q33HHv6uWpgQqdz1yk (BTC personal)
Estuary: Kodis new default skin - ExtendedInfo Script - KodiDevKit
Great tool, thanks!
⬅️⬅️ Leave 👍 on useful posts  ·  axbmcuser REPO (Easy install)  ·  Confluence ZEITGEIST (intuitive UI for Kodi)
I am looking for skin/theme development using my personal image on kodi. Where I can see all this files/folders to get the following files:

This contains the information that Kodi uses to find the other files that Kodi requires to describe it's skin. It also contains credits information, and versioning information.
This sub-folder contains all fonts used by the skin. you can add/replace fonts here
This sub-folder contains all the media files (.png/.gif/.jpg...)
This sub-folder contains all the audio files (sounds.xml/.wav...)
This sub-folder contains xml files describing the colors (text/diffuse) used in the skin, to allow different color themes.; skin.name/media
This sub-folder contains 5 to 10 1280x720 sized jpeg images, showcasing your skin
This is a resolution-specific folder.

This is a resolution-specific folder.
This is a resolution-specific folder.
This is a resolution-specific folder.
This is a resolution-specific folder.
This is a resolution-specific folder.
Although the tool is very old, due to personal demand i made some QOL improvements to it (including more conversion options for resolutions (1080->2160 720->2160)

If anyone is interested, i'd share it on github.
⬅️⬅️ Leave 👍 on useful posts  ·  axbmcuser REPO (Easy install)  ·  Confluence ZEITGEIST (intuitive UI for Kodi)
(2023-02-08, 22:50)axbmcuser Wrote: If anyone is interested, i'd share it on github.
Yes please.
Download Kodi Skinning Tool v1.2.7.zip

- Cleaned it up a bit for github. May not be perfect.

- Changelog includes:
- - Disabled bankers rounding with MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero so x.5 values don't get rounded down
- - Changed defaults, reordered+improved form dimensions/design
- - Added new conversion options
- - Corrected path to default language files to from "english" to "resource.language.en_gb"
- - Added some stuff for newer Kodi versions to avoid false positive complaints from the Tool about wrong code (At least the ones that i noticed while testing with my own skin)
- - Disabled/removed the auto fix values option since i think it's too risky without really rewriting the tool with all changes of latest Kodi versions skinning engine
- - Renamed application and added the Kodi logo and other minor things

- The changes worked for me so far and were quite helpful for a skin conversion from 720 to 1080/2160. Some values like specific zoom animation start/end values are now converted that apprently have been missed before.
- I used VS 2017 on this.
⬅️⬅️ Leave 👍 on useful posts  ·  axbmcuser REPO (Easy install)  ·  Confluence ZEITGEIST (intuitive UI for Kodi)
(2023-02-16, 14:01)axbmcuser Wrote: Some values like specific zoom animation start/end values are now converted that apprently have been missed before.
@axbmcuser this change was only needed for slide animations (position a to position b) while zooms and fades are percentage based (0-100%) and rotations are degree based (0-360°) and should never be converted. Also diffuse fades are AARRGGBB but not sure if you've touched them.


EDIT: Looks like buttons and togglebuttons need a change as they can have wrapmultiline values.

Includes_Dialog_Movie_Information.xml: Invalid Value for //control[@type='button']/*: wrapmultiline
Includes_Dialog_Movie_Information.xml: Invalid Value for //control[@type='togglebutton']/*: wrapmultiline

I guess these are all new skin changes -

Double XML Tag: expression
Double XML Tag: eventconfig in SettingsScreenCalibration.xml
Double XML Tag: timer in Timers.xml
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Skin XML Converter + Formatter3