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Release YouTube
After updating to the latest version, I'm having issues with update_watch_history again (it was working after the manual change mentioned a few weeks ago). I checked Github and saw that the code that commented out the call has been reverted and verified that it was still reverted in my local files, but Youtube is still showing videos I've watched on Kodi as being unwatched on the Youtube page. Is anyone else still having this issue?
mysubscription crash on android, nexus, latest youtube addon.

A flimsy solution: change default font to based on arial and back. Or the other way around if you need asian characters.

You will be able to access mysubcriptions at least once and at least the first page. Maybe twice.

Then repeat...
Quartz with arial bold seems to be stable.
Not very ergonomic for my use, as I only use 4 favorites... but stability is important
(2023-01-23, 07:10)atharmian Wrote: I am on AE-PCx86-11.1.0 (Nexus Stable) from Alexelec.tv, a fork of CoreElec.

Kept getting youtube widget crashes in the Arctic Zephyr2-Reloaded Nexus skin, and was informed that the problem is with <resuselanguageinvoker>true<reuselanguageinvoker/> in plugin.video.youtube addon.xml.

It should be turned to false from true.  

So I did and most youtube widget crashes went away. However over the last day, several widget crashes started happening again- I have had the latest youtube addon version from Kodi Repo since AE-11.1.0. Changing the menus away from "Live" menus in Youtube seemed to have fixed the problem for now.

Any comments and solutions will be appreciated. Laugh

The reuselanguageinvoker crash bug has been around for a long time. Apparently it manifests when two addons use this feature at the same time. Recently a few addon devs worked together and claim to have finally come up with a fix, but I don't know what they did.
Quartz with arial bold no crash.
So you confirm.
Will be very slow to get to mysubcriptions though. But it works
Add what you like to access to one of the Favourites from Configure skin -> Home menu customizer -> Add-ons
I'm crashing in my subscriptions. I don't understand the fix. Can someone help me
(2023-02-06, 23:57)mark112887 Wrote: I'm crashing in my subscriptions. I don't understand the fix. Can someone help me
this is the same thing i was referring to in my post about crashes before i gave up.

post your debug log and id be happy to look it over to at least try and indicate what failed.
next time i get a crash i will
is it crashing under everything? seems like it would be from that log.
the way youve used path translate for the thumbnails in combination with not being able to lookup your servers hostname - error <general>: Unable to lookup host: 'Mark-Server'
i would recommend ip based access and set a static ip for that machine in your router

theres no fix for this, it needs to be redone in whatever code is calling it (not sure if its youtube or other) but error 400 from server isnt fixable from client side
(GetDirectory - Unable to get http directory (https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/2Ht1LJ...R9_wGpNMw/))

all the warnings about deprecated calls are just that, warnings, afaik nothing breaks (yet!) by using the older code

other than those i really dont see too much
I looked at it and saw that it says it can't find my server hostname yet everything works. it  is absolutely fine even in youtube, it only crashes in my subscriptions
thats probably due to the http 400s then, unfortunately nothing short of some code rewriting will fix that
Dear all,

I am having a strange problem, using the YT plugin about a week ago I started having the error message "YouTubeException: the following content is not available on your app" for any video I tried to play.
I tried changing keys, logging out and back in, flushing the cache, but nothing changed (still got the same error on any video).

After a couple of days, without any intervention, the YT plugin started working as usual again for a few days, until today. Now, once more without me changing anything, I am getting the same "content not available on your app" error on all videos.

Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this ?

I am running Kodi on Ubuntu 20.04 so Kodi is standard repository version 16.8, and YT plugin is version 6.8.24.
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