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Release Amazon VOD [plugin.video.amazon[vod|-test]]
yes you're right, but there are several problems pending and he (or his partner) don't communicate since that statement (dec. 15th). So i think the support for the app (for prime.[de, uk,...] has been gone.
I´m using Kodi 19.5 on an Intel NUC with Libreelec 10.0.4. The WebApi is activated (folders were empty before). I can watch movies that I´ve been seen before but cannot start new streams. Some folders genereate http 403 messages and movies do not start. Logfile shows the following. Anyone an idea?
Quote:2023-01-24 19:44:14.759 T:1093     INFO <general>: Loading skin file: Custom_1100_AddonLauncher.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2023-01-24 19:44:22.349 T:1093    ERROR <general>: Control 52 in window 10025 has been asked to focus, but it can't
2023-01-24 19:44:22.393 T:9712     INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
2023-01-24 19:44:22.963 T:9712     INFO <general>: [Amazon VOD] Version: 0.9.6+matrix.1
2023-01-24 19:44:22.963 T:9712     INFO <general>: [Amazon VOD] Unicode filename support: False
2023-01-24 19:44:22.963 T:9712     INFO <general>: [Amazon VOD] Locale: en-us / Language: de
2023-01-24 19:44:22.994 T:9712     INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(16, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py): script successfully run
2023-01-24 19:44:25.714 T:9712     INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
2023-01-24 19:44:25.862 T:9712     INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(16, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py): script successfully run
2023-01-24 19:44:33.744 T:9712     INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
2023-01-24 19:44:33.836 T:9712     INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(16, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py): script successfully run
2023-01-24 19:44:36.287 T:9712     INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
2023-01-24 19:44:37.664 T:9712     INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(16, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py): script successfully run
2023-01-24 19:44:40.462 T:9712     INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
2023-01-24 19:44:40.573 T:9712    ERROR <general>: [Amazon VOD] Error reason: 403 error (NoRetries)
2023-01-24 19:44:40.583 T:9712    ERROR <general>: [Amazon VOD] Unable to fetch the url: /gp/video/search/ref=atv_ge_av__c_o4a632_5_smr?queryToken=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%3D&pageId=default&queryPageType=browse&ie=UTF8&episodeListSize=9999
2023-01-24 19:44:40.623 T:9712    ERROR <general>: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                                    - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                                   Error Type: <class 'AttributeError'>
                                                   Error Contents: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
                                                   Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py", line 5, in <module>
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/startup.py", line 62, in EntryPoint
                                                       g.pv.Route(verb, path)
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/web_api.py", line 279, in Route
                                                       elif 'browse' == verb: g.pv.Browse(path)
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/web_api.py", line 594, in Browse
                                                       title = entry.get('title', nodeName)
                                                   AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
                                                   -->End of Python script error report<--
2023-01-24 19:44:41.076 T:9712     INFO <general>: Python interpreter stopped
2023-01-24 19:44:41.085 T:9722     INFO <general>: Skipped 4 duplicate messages..
2023-01-24 19:44:41.085 T:9722    ERROR <general>: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/pv/browse/root/coll1_Startseite/Kategorien/tile_4/Filme
2023-01-24 19:44:41.090 T:1093    ERROR <general>: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/pv/browse/root/coll1_Startseite/Kategorien/tile_4/Filme) failed
2023-01-24 19:44:41.103 T:9724     INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
2023-01-24 19:44:41.714 T:9724     INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(17, /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py): script successfully run
2023-01-24 19:44:44.866 T:9724     INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
2023-01-24 19:44:45.027 T:9724    ERROR <general>: [Amazon VOD] Error reason: 403 error (NoRetries)
2023-01-24 19:44:45.033 T:9724    ERROR <general>: [Amazon VOD] Unable to fetch the url: /gp/video/search/ref=atv_ge_av__c_p7omja_7_smr?queryToken=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&pageId=default&queryPageType=browse&ie=UTF8&episodeListSize=9999
2023-01-24 19:44:45.067 T:9724    ERROR <general>: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                                    - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                                   Error Type: <class 'AttributeError'>
                                                   Error Contents: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
                                                   Traceback (most recent call last):
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/default.py", line 5, in <module>
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/startup.py", line 62, in EntryPoint
                                                       g.pv.Route(verb, path)
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/web_api.py", line 279, in Route
                                                       elif 'browse' == verb: g.pv.Browse(path)
                                                     File "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.amazon-test/resources/lib/web_api.py", line 594, in Browse
                                                       title = entry.get('title', nodeName)
                                                   AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
                                                   -->End of Python script error report<--
2023-01-24 19:44:45.528 T:9724     INFO <general>: Python interpreter stopped
2023-01-24 19:44:45.529 T:9728     INFO <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages..
2023-01-24 19:44:45.529 T:9728    ERROR <general>: GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/pv/browse/root/coll1_Startseite/Kategorien/tile_4/Beliebte+Filme
2023-01-24 19:44:45.530 T:1093    ERROR <general>: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.amazon-test/pv/browse/root/coll1_Startseite/Kategorien/tile_4/Beliebte+Filme) failed
2023-01-24 19:44:45.543 T:9730     INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
[font][font]merhaba altyazı indirirken hata veriyor ve hiç altyazı indirmiyor çözümü var mı?[/font][/font]
[font][font]hello it gives an error while downloading subtitles and  no subtitles are downloading is there a solution[/font][/font]
I recently started getting errors when trying to look at my watchlist. I have attached a log file below


Curiously, I can access items that I had exported to my library, but nothing in the Watchlist or any of the other folders in the addon itself.
(2023-02-02, 17:16)starslayer74 Wrote: I recently started getting errors when trying to look at my watchlist. I have attached a log file below


Curiously, I can access items that I had exported to my library, but nothing in the Watchlist or any of the other folders in the addon itself.
I am as well receiving the same error message in my log when trying to check the Watchlist. (Running latest Coreelec with Kodi 20)
Never mind, I was thinking something different, and can't figure out how to delete the post.
(2023-02-02, 17:16)starslayer74 Wrote:  
I just tried to play some episodes of The Boys and Reacher in 4K HDR10(+) and they all have very bad video stutter.

However, shows that are in 4K Dolby Vision (like LOTR Rings of Power) play perfectly smooth.

This happens both in Kodi v20 and v21 (nightly) and on both my Nvidia Shield and Philips TV.

Is anyone else seeing the same problem?
(2023-02-12, 02:19)MrMagic Wrote: I just tried to play some episodes of The Boys and Reacher in 4K HDR10(+) and they all have very bad video stutter.

However, shows that are in 4K Dolby Vision (like LOTR Rings of Power) play perfectly smooth.

This happens both in Kodi v20 and v21 (nightly) and on both my Nvidia Shield and Philips TV.

Is anyone else seeing the same problem?

I saw the same with Wrath of Man on my Shield. I Disabled HDR10+ and it played in without issue. To be fair, I am not sure if my tv supports HDR10+ or if the HDR10+ stream is backward compatible with HDR.

Edit: I also need to enable "Proxy MPD Alteration" for TV series and disable it for movies or else the audio feeds are not right.
(2023-02-12, 03:33)knappster Wrote: I saw the same with Wrath of Man on my Shield. I Disabled HDR10+ and it played in without issue. To be fair, I am not sure if my tv supports HDR10+ or if the HDR10+ stream is backward compatible with HDR.

You are right. Disabling HDR10+ in the addon makes the video smooth again. I'm pretty sure this didn't happen before. I even installed a Kodi 19 build, but that also has the same issue.

HDR10+ should be backwards compatible with regular HDR10 by the way.

I also noticed that with HDR10+ disabled, you still get a 4K video stream, but with SDR. I thought Amazon did not support that, but apparently they do now.

@Varstahl @Sandmann79 Any clues why HDR10(+) is giving issues now? Or maybe @glennguy has an idea?
@MrMagic yh ive said this as well HDR10+ video stutters its not the shield or your tv or Kodi but by design from amazon they use vrr (varaible refresh rate) from my knowledge only the fire cube/stick/tv has that built in. and yes amazon supports HDR10+ and DolbyVison it was an announcement about this as well forgot the article tho. ie samnuts (samsung) are the only idiots not supporting DV and answering with HDR10+ (which is there proprietory thing) knowingly that DV will be the standard in the future if not already. if Kodi could do its own version of vrr that would be amazing or the amazon addon devs find a workaround or nvidia adds support for vrr without f*** up the shield more then they already have with there latest updates aside from that its pretty much nothing that can be done at this point. brother. you can test the addon on any amazon streaming device too, to see if the problem still exists. note that HDR10+ was added to the addon (wasnt before just UHD) when i first used it on my firecube (2gen) dont have it anymore
@gemini88 Thanks for the information. I believe that when the addon just started to support HDR10, it worked just fine, at least on the Android TV that runs on my Philips TV (it even showed HDR10+ there).

Did they add the VRR at a later date or was it there from the start for HDR10(+) material on Prime?
@MrMagic yes very smart thinking brother yes I believe so when HDR10(+) with amazon addon 0.9.6 release and looking back HDR/HDR10 was there (0.9.5) I think and there was never a problem with video stutter during playback, only with enableling HDR10(+) in (0.9.6) which should be backwards compatible to just falling back to HDR if the display doesn't support HDR10(+) same with DV (but its a hit or miss) depending on the layer (maybe strictly DV or may have a fallback to HDR) but either way I feel and think HDR10+ is the culprit using VRR from Amazons end
So it's not working anymore? it keeps asking me to sign in even thou I know my username and password.
(2023-02-06, 20:29)Tschakka Wrote:
(2023-02-02, 17:16)starslayer74 Wrote: I recently started getting errors when trying to look at my watchlist. I have attached a log file below


Curiously, I can access items that I had exported to my library, but nothing in the Watchlist or any of the other folders in the addon itself.
I am as well receiving the same error message in my log when trying to check the Watchlist. (Running latest Coreelec with Kodi 20)

Yep.  Also having the same issue.  I just looked at the Prime Video section on Amazon and they have changed the browser layout on the site.  More than likely this is broken things.  Looks like the dev(s) will have to update the app so it will work with the new layout.  Good things come to those who wait.....

Will this add on be updated due to new UI on Prime Video?
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Amazon VOD [plugin.video.amazon[vod|-test]]2