Wrong playercorefactory
Hello, I'd like to play Videofiles from my Fritz.Nas with kodi 20 on my Fire TV Stick. With Kodi it is interrupting every few seconds. I Mentioned, that VLC works fine. So I tried to start videos with a playercorefactory.xml file. But after putting file into the userdata folder, I can't open any videofile in kodi (Error Message: "Can't playback video file" or something like that).
I think there is a error in the xml file, but I dont know, where. Please Help me. Thank you!!

<player name="VLCPlayer" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
<args>--fullscreen "{1}"</args>
<rules action="prepend">
<rule video="true" player="dvdplayer">
<rule filetypes="mkv|avi|mp4|mpg|mpeg|mov|vob" player="VLCPlayer"/>
<rule video="true" player="VLCPlayer"/>
<rule audio="true" player="VLCPlayer"/>
Edit: Even change <rule video="true" player="dvdplayer"> to <rule video="true" player="VLCPlayer"> had no effect.
sorry you cant use standard execution calls from other systems on android

your definition is telling kodi to execute the commad "org.videolan.vlc --fullscreen" and that command does not exist because VLC on android is not a program, its an app

android uses activity manager to start apps in this way, you need to find a working solution for starting vlc on android, it should be something like
"am start org.videolan.vlc/.Main" ... because am is an actual android command

i dont use vlc on android or in this manner to be able to provide the exact command
Thank you. But the "--fullscreen" command i got from kodi wikiHuh
No I tried this, but kodi internal player is used instead of vlc. Any idea?


        <player name="VLCPlayer"  Type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
        <rule action="prepend">    
        <rule filetypes="avi|mkv|mp4|mpg|mpeg" player="VLCPlayer">
you are still following the directions for a standard system not android

see the definition for android here - https://kodi.wiki/view/External_players#Android

note the filename is "am" as i suggested and the package name is in the commandline, that example is using the android activity manager which is the correct method

what that example is not going to show is how to call VLC from the activity manager which i cant provide, its something youre going to have to locate
Thank you, but in the Wiki link is under "Working Example" almost the code I used in my first post or am I wrong. Sorry and thank you for your patience.
i finally found the link youre reading, it does claim to be a working example
here this works but i dont understand why... no matter ill work out why i have competing information outside of this thread

        <player name="VLCPlayer" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
    <rules action="prepend">
        <rule video="true" player="dvdplayer">
            <rule filename="*" player="VLCPlayer"/>
Thank you, but it doesn't work for me. Maybe it's a problem with handling SMB share?
potentially yes, vlc may not be able to access the media

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Wrong playercorefactory0