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[HOW TO] Library Node Examples
Thanks I'll take a look. As a work around as I have limited genres anyway it seems I can make individual genre nodes in a parent node and then create a widget displaying these nodes and its snappy as expected. But that seems an unsustainable fudge.
(2023-03-10, 10:25)Ceefaxer Wrote: ...and then create a widget displaying these nodes...
You mean one widget per (one) child node?
(2023-03-10, 16:18)DiMag Wrote:
(2023-03-10, 10:25)Ceefaxer Wrote: ...and then create a widget displaying these nodes...
You mean one widget per (one) child node?
Not really. You create a parent node called say genres and then create a variety of child nodes in that for each genre, you can then make one widget to look at the parent node and it lists the child genre nodes inside, and they work just fine, no loading time wait. Obviously its a ball ache to create, but I only use genres for audiobooks/radio/podcasts so the genre types are always going to be limited to around 10 or so. Its a fudge but I cant stand that loading time.
How does Edit Visibility work in the library node editor? Can you specify nodes to be hidden in a library view and still be linked to in other ways? What are the kind of things you can do with edit visibility?
Code for a Favourite Actors node...

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Hi, can anybody post an example of a TV Episodes in progress node please?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<node order="6" type="filter" visible="True">
           <rule field="inprogress" operator="true">
       <order direction="descending">lastplayed</order>
(2024-04-10, 16:49)LongMan Wrote: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<node order="6" type="filter" visible="True">
           <rule field="inprogress" operator="true">
       <order direction="descending">lastplayed</order>
Thank you!
I will try this when I get home.
Hello all! Sorry if this is in the wrong location.
I have had Kodi up and running for years now, and the wife is filling up our media server with TV-Shows that are all based on a particular single 'pilot' show...i.e. Star Trek for instance.
I was wondering if there is a way to create a folder on the media server for just Star Trek based TV-Shows, and place all the spin-offs into that folder along with the episodes in their respective shows.

Example hard drive layout:
Mediaserver Drive -|
                                |- Star Trek-|
                                |                    |- TOS-|
                                |                  |           |-Season 1 with episodes
                                |                  |           |-Season 2    "          "
                                |                  |           |-Season 3    "          "
                                |                  |
                                |                  |- TNG-|
                                |                              |-Season 1    "          "
                                |                              |-Season 2    "          "
                                |-Walking Dead-|
                                |                          |- Walking Dead-|
                                |                          |                          |-Season 1    "          "
                                |                          |                          |-Season 2    "          "
                                |                          |
                                |                          |- Fear the Walking Dead-|
                                |                          |                                        |-Season 1    "          "
                                |                          |                                        |-Season 2    "          "

Then when going to TV-Shows on the Kodi main menu, see the Parent folder 'Star Trek' & 'Walking Dead'. Selecting one of those shows the spin-off shows, select the spin-off, and see the seasons.

Is it possible to do? Thanks.

trying to make a node with several movies universes, Like MCU, Godzilla, etc.
standard I have option movie set on (like it if the movie sets are shown in library view).
But when I go to a specific universe I would like to hav ethe movies show in the order I want them to be shown AND if more movies belong to a set it shouldn't be shown as a set.

When I use this:

<node type="filter">
    <rule field="filename" operator="contains">
    <order direction="ascending">filename</order>

When I user this:

I get a list with the movies (no movie sets are shown, but it is sorted in alphabetal order and not sorted by filename, so I am losing my prefred order

<node type="filter">
    <rule field="filename" operator="contains">
    <order direction="ascending">filename</order>

Anyone suggestions how to get it working: movie sets shown in library view, but when using a node, I want the list sorted based on the prefix I use in the filenames: PREFIX000-filename.mkv.
(2024-05-20, 21:55)chromeboy Wrote: trying to make a node with several movies universes, Like MCU, Godzilla, etc.
Probably a better option... https://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Movie_universe
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(2024-05-19, 16:33)Younguns2005 Wrote: Then when going to TV-Shows on the Kodi main menu, see the Parent folder 'Star Trek' & 'Walking Dead'. Selecting one of those shows the spin-off shows, select the spin-off, and see the seasons.
No, it is not possible to have nested tv shows within tv shows.

You would be better off creating a Smart playlists (wiki) for each of those and then adding them as sub-menus of TV Shows using Custom home items (wiki)
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Thanks for the super fast reply.

TRied it and it's working, but is it possible to put this behavour/the smart playlist in a node structure?

the smartplaylist code is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <rule field="filename" operator="contains">
    <order direction="ascending">file</order>
(2024-05-20, 22:13)chromeboy Wrote: but is it possible to put this behavour/the smart playlist in a node structure?
I've never tried, but I can't see why not.

I just tested this in my library and it works...
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<node order="1" type="filter">
<label>Marvel Cinematic Universe</label>
<rule field="filename" operator="startswith">
<order direction="ascending">file</order>
Note, I used "startswith" instead of "contains"
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thanks for the example. I tried it..., but also with your code I get moviesets (e.g. Captain America).

I also tried to use the smart playlist as part of the node, but also in that case: movie sets are shown. Although when using just the smartlist I don't get the moviesets and the movies are shown in preferred order.

So node is defined as (movies like Captain America are shown as sets):

<node type="filter">
    <rule field="playlist" operator="is">
        <value>MCU Universe</value>

Smartlist defined as (if I just use the smartlist directly everything is show the way I want is):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <rule field="filename" operator="contains">
    <order direction="ascending">file</order>

(Probably an open door, but, if you test this, please be sure that the have movies that will be combined as moviesets in the library).
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[HOW TO] Library Node Examples5