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Internet Archive Game Launcher
Hi there

I need a help with IAGL addon.
I cant run MS-DOS games. when i dowload and launch whichever game, after than, Kodi crashs ant put me back in windows.
I instaled all addons from zachmorris repository
System: x64, Win10, KODI 20.1 
Can you someone get a hint, where should be a problem.
Here is a log:
2023-05-17 13:27:00.501 T:8264     info <general>: IAGL:  Lets Play!
2023-05-17 13:27:20.003 T:376      info <general>: IAGL:  Lets Play!
2023-05-17 13:27:23.342 T:9900     info <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages..
2023-05-17 13:27:23.342 T:9900     info <general>: PVR Manager: Starting cleanup of cached images.
2023-05-17 13:27:23.967 T:9900     info <general>: PVR Manager: Cleaned up 0 cached images.
2023-05-17 13:27:26.336 T:9072     info <general>: IAGL:  Lets Play!
2023-05-17 13:27:27.248 T:8344     info <general>: Loading skin file: C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iagl\resources\skins\Default\1080i\IAGL-infodialog.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
2023-05-17 13:27:28.815 T:8344  warning <general>: CGUIWindowManager - CGUIWindowManager::HandleAction - ignoring action 107, because topmost modal dialog closing animation is running
2023-05-17 13:27:30.427 T:8344     info <general>: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2023-05-17 13:27:33.330 T:9072     info <general>: IAGL:  Download complete for https://archive.org/download/msdos_3-Dem...n_1983.zip.  File size 27685
2023-05-17 13:27:33.790 T:9072     info <general>: IAGL:  Post processing complete for 3-Demon_1983.zip
2023-05-17 13:27:34.162 T:9072    error <general>: IAGL:  Launcher None is unknown, defauling to RETROPLAYER
2023-05-17 13:27:34.163 T:9072  warning <general>: Setting game properties through ListItem.setInfo() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use the respective setter in InfoTagGame.
2023-05-17 13:27:34.232 T:8344    error <general>: Repository add-on repository.bingie uses old schema definition for the repository extension point! This is no longer supported, please update your addon to use <dir> definitions.
2023-05-17 13:27:34.232 T:8344    error <general>: Repository add-on repository.bingie does not have any directory and won't be able to update/serve addons! Please fix the addon.xml definition
2023-05-17 13:27:34.233 T:8344    error <general>: Repository add-on repository.marduk uses old schema definition for the repository extension point! This is no longer supported, please update your addon to use <dir> definitions.
2023-05-17 13:27:34.233 T:8344    error <general>: Repository add-on repository.marduk does not have any directory and won't be able to update/serve addons! Please fix the addon.xml definition
2023-05-17 13:27:34.233 T:8344    error <general>: Repository add-on repository.rector.stuff uses old schema definition for the repository extension point! This is no longer supported, please update your addon to use <dir> definitions.
2023-05-17 13:27:34.233 T:8344    error <general>: Repository add-on repository.rector.stuff does not have any directory and won't be able to update/serve addons! Please fix the addon.xml definition
2023-05-17 13:27:34.330 T:8344     info <general>: RetroPlayer[PROCESS]: Created process info for Windows
2023-05-17 13:27:34.335 T:8344     info <general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.dosbox: Logger interface initialized
2023-05-17 13:27:34.336 T:8344     info <general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.dosbox: MIDI interface unavailable
2023-05-17 13:27:34.336 T:8344     info <general>: Loading controller layout: C:\Program Files\Kodi\addons\game.controller.keyboard\resources\layout.xml
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344     info <general>: Loading controller layout: C:\Program Files\Kodi\addons\game.controller.mouse\resources\layout.xml
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344    error <general>: Invalid controller ID: game.controller.gravis.gamepad
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344    error <general>: Invalid controller ID: game.controller.joystick.4button
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344    error <general>: Invalid controller ID: game.controller.joystick.2button
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344     info <general>: GAME: ------------------------------------
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344     info <general>: GAME: Loaded DLL for game.libretro.dosbox
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344     info <general>: GAME: Client:              DOS (DOSBox)
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344     info <general>: GAME: Version:   
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344     info <general>: GAME: Valid extensions:    .bat .com .conf .exe
2023-05-17 13:27:34.337 T:8344     info <general>: GAME: Supports VFS:        false
2023-05-17 13:27:34.338 T:8344     info <general>: GAME: Supports standalone: true
2023-05-17 13:27:34.338 T:8344     info <general>: GAME: ------------------------------------
2023-05-17 13:27:34.338 T:8344     info <general>: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: Opening: C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\plugin.program.iagl\game_cache\3Demon\3Demon\Demon.bat
2023-05-17 13:27:34.338 T:8344     info <general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.dosbox: Loading default configuration C:\Users\HTPC\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\game.libretro.dosbox\resources\system\DOSbox\dosbox-libretro.conf

I'd like to change the location of the cache folder to a shared network folder like this: smb://, but I can't run games from there. I am able to change the folder to an external USB drive, but I would like to share the folder between multiple devices running Kodi, some Windows and some Android.
(2023-05-21, 19:25)jlb1234 Wrote: Hello.

I'd like to change the location of the cache folder to a shared network folder like this: smb://, but I can't run games from there. I am able to change the folder to an external USB drive, but I would like to share the folder between multiple devices running Kodi, some Windows and some Android.

You can change the download location on a per game list basis, see here:

As you said, some emulators can use smb and some can't (depends on if they support vfs or not, heres an old list that gives you an idea of which support it). If you can mount the drive from your OS rather than from Kodi in each OS, then that should work (the OS does the filesystem stuff for you instead of Kodi in that case). Otherwise, a shared USB drive in a format they can all read, like exFAT should also work.
Hi. Thanks for this great addon. I have one problem with it. The game lists loading is sometimes very slow. Every page takes a long time to load. Is there a way to speed it up?
(2023-07-14, 20:06)Yefet Wrote: Hi. Thanks for this great addon. I have one problem with it. The game lists loading is sometimes very slow. Every page takes a long time to load. Is there a way to speed it up?

Its usually only slow on the first load, after that the list is cached.
(2023-07-19, 20:54)jdig4240 Wrote:
(2023-07-14, 20:06)Yefet Wrote: Hi. Thanks for this great addon. I have one problem with it. The game lists loading is sometimes very slow. Every page takes a long time to load. Is there a way to speed it up?

Its usually only slow on the first load, after that the list is cached.

It happens every time I use it. Is there a way to get it cached?
(2023-07-20, 04:31)Yefet Wrote:
(2023-07-19, 20:54)jdig4240 Wrote:
(2023-07-14, 20:06)Yefet Wrote: Hi. Thanks for this great addon. I have one problem with it. The game lists loading is sometimes very slow. Every page takes a long time to load. Is there a way to speed it up?

Its usually only slow on the first load, after that the list is cached.

It happens every time I use it. Is there a way to get it cached?

Maybe the cache size in the addon settings is set too low? Check that.
Yes, list parsing is slow the first time, but should be relatively fast after that (depending on your machine and which list it is, the more games in the list, the slower it would be). You can also change how many games are listed per page, which may potentially speed it up a little as well.

The other option is to make your own lists or make a favorites list thats smaller, which will load faster with fewer games.
Im having a problem with controllers. Small but annoying  Big Grin

When a game launch fail for any reason (iagl popup of launching fail), kodi controller support change to disable. I have to go to kodi settings and enable it again everytime a game fail launching. Tried mostly with DOS games that are the ones most propense to fail launching.

On kodi 20.2.
I am having an issue with Sony PlayStation emulation in IAGL. When I select a game, instead of being presented with the Emulator choice screen, I instead get a screen that only says Autosave and all other options greyed out. See image: Image

I have tried clearing the cache in the add-on, running the setup wizard again and making sure that Always Ask for emulator was the chosen option in the wizard. I've also removed all PSX game addons to force it to ask, but the problem persists.

Any suggestions how I can get back to choosing the correct emulator for PSX games?
(2023-08-28, 05:07)trihy Wrote: Im having a problem with controllers. Small but annoying  Big Grin

When a game launch fail for any reason (iagl popup of launching fail), kodi controller support change to disable. I have to go to kodi settings and enable it again everytime a game fail launching. Tried mostly with DOS games that are the ones most propense to fail launching.

On kodi 20.2.

Can you post a debug log? That will show me where input breaks.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2023-10-06, 03:13)blueman83 Wrote: I am having an issue with Sony PlayStation emulation in IAGL. When I select a game, instead of being presented with the Emulator choice screen, I instead get a screen that only says Autosave and all other options greyed out. See image: Image

I have tried clearing the cache in the add-on, running the setup wizard again and making sure that Always Ask for emulator was the chosen option in the wizard. I've also removed all PSX game addons to force it to ask, but the problem persists.

Any suggestions how I can get back to choosing the correct emulator for PSX games?

It looks like you're using a different skin that hasn't been fully updated for the new Savestate Manager in v20 Nexus?
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
First off, thanks for the awesome work!
Can we have the save feature for iagl 3.0.6.? It's the only version that works with chromecast with google tv(android 12) + Kodi 19.5
I tried iagl 3.0.9 on Kodi 20.2 but the controller only controls menus and stop working in game so i have to downgrade.
Also when installing iagl 3.0.6, I have to manually install the archive_tool script for it to work.
thanks again
The open source ecosystem works best when everyone keeps up to date. If there's a problem in a more recent version, it should be fixed.

The controller bug introduced in v20 was actually fixed shortly after v20.2 was released four months ago. We might not be able to do a v20.3 release so you can grab a v20 nightly from our mirrors with the fix (and many other fixes scheduled for v20.3) included. Or better yet, grab my latest v20 test build.

RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
do you have the arm-v7a variant for the links? I'm using chromecast
thanks again!
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Internet Archive Game Launcher6