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2-7offsuit Wrote:Great skin, here are a couple of things I've noticed:

1. If I highlight the settings option on the main menu and hit the Info button, everything just goes black. I know on MS and PM3 that is a quick way to get to the system info, including free memory.

2. I also noticed that on the screen calibration screen after hitting select once the bottom right is set, it moves slightly. Obviously not a big deal though.

This is on Xbox using the 4/4/09 T3CH.

1. Haven't made a system info window yet. Wink

2. That was also thrown together in a rapid fashion. Looks like I made the new selected images improperly. I'll fix it as soon as I figure out where in the $*@!% that viewtype label is coming from.

I've literally removed every item in the Video OSD and it's still showing up. Did a grep for "container.viewmode" and "view:" and there is no logical explanation as to why it's there. Starting to make me mad. Big Grin
This may be more along the lines of a feature request, but in playback, I'm used to being able to press "o" and see the player debug info. This doesn't appear in Serenity.
theophile Wrote:This may be more along the lines of a feature request, but in playback, I'm used to being able to press "o" and see the player debug info. This doesn't appear in Serenity.

I think I added that window as well in my attempts to remove the viewtype label that was showing up in OSD. I'll have an updated version ready in a little bit after I get a few more changes made. By player debug info you mean the codec info? I mapped my 0 key to reload the skin...meaning I don't know the command.

Can you get me a screenshot from another skin of the debug info? I'm trying it out here and not getting very successful results...
<control type="image">
    <description>R Rating label</description>
     <visible>substring(listitem.MPAA, Rated R)</visible>
In Mpaalogos.xml there's a space between "listitem.MPAA," and "Rated R." It's a small thing, but it prevents the R Rating from showing up on the info screen.
jalesm Wrote:
<control type="image">
    <description>R Rating label</description>
     <visible>substring(listitem.MPAA, Rated R)</visible>
In Mpaalogos.xml there's a space between "listitem.MPAA," and "Rated R." It's a small thing, but it prevents the R Rating from showing up on the info screen.

I fixed that and added support for an international USA:R/USA:G sort of thing as added by MIP. This way, you can add icons for your own country's rating system if you want.

I also added the dupe bg for lower rez screens (garyi), and put in the numpad file. Sorry I haven't been more productive the past few days...I'm back to work now, so this means getting up at the buttcrack of dawn and not getting home until 8 at night. Wink
Digital. Just tried beta 1. On video or tv show playback I no longer have osd buttons for stop pause fast forward yet video and audio options. Have reverted to svn off of FTP all ok now. This is on appletv
Also any news of view poster words appearin on screen when you have osd up and it covers the runtime? It also appears when you are watching something and press forward.
deano72 Wrote:Digital. Just tried beta 1. On video or tv show playback I no longer have osd buttons for stop pause fast forward yet video and audio options. Have reverted to svn off of FTP all ok now. This is on appletv

deano72 Wrote:Also any news of view poster words appearin on screen when you have osd up and it covers the runtime? It also appears when you are watching something and press forward.

Fixed, and fixed.
Hey man I have been playing around with your skin a bit and it is awesome here are a few things I have found while using it:

- When using the the keyboard arrows on the shutdown menu and I've found in some of the other menus if you go left for example it will go through each of the options one by one but when you back the other way it will skip some options.

- In the movie library for some reason none of the actors names show up.

- Also this is more of a feature request instead of it saying unknown studio would it be possible for text to be displaying the studio name instead of the default studio icon if there isn't one.
crash123 Wrote:Hey man I have been playing around with your skin a bit and it is awesome here are a few things I have found while using it:

- When using the the keyboard arrows on the shutdown menu and I've found in some of the other menus if you go left for example it will go through each of the options one by one but when you back the other way it will skip some options.

- In the movie library for some reason none of the actors names show up.

- Also this is more of a feature request instead of it saying unknown studio would it be possible for text to be displaying the studio name instead of the default studio icon if there isn't one.

1. Yeah, that's my fault. I put the menu in and never finished it. In fact, there are two seperate menus because I failed to realize the one existed by default until after I had made my own.

2. I don't know the exact reason behin this, and haven't looked into it. It's one I was actually puzzling over last night. Under infolabels, it says it'll return a concantenated string of all actors, etc. I think I need to make it a textbox instead of a label...regardless, I'm aware of the problem, and will fix it as soon as I can.

3. Good idea. Any particular fonts you have in mind? Wink

I'll def. throw that in at this same magical time when I have some freetime to myself. Big Grin
not really a bug, but don't know where to put it.
Serenity has of late been really slow at scrolling a large list in library or file mode (movies or tv).
using horizonz or pm3 it is quicker.
Is there anyway of making scrolling faster within serenity?
deano72 Wrote:not really a bug, but don't know where to put it.
Serenity has of late been really slow at scrolling a large list in library or file mode (movies or tv).
using horizonz or pm3 it is quicker.
Is there anyway of making scrolling faster within serenity?

Try dropping this in your serenity/720p/ folder. My guess is that it's due to the fanart trying to switch while scrolling that is slowing things down.

So, I changed the animation in this file...see if it helps or not. If not, I'll try some other things...
Cheers, I will add it now, and try when I get home in 7 hours.
bug report.. can't find any more bugs.. that's gotta be a bug Big Grin
nah adding me includes no different. Anything else I could try?

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