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Release HBO Max
For some reason, the link behind the image disappeared, and because I don't have the right to edit my previous post (yet), the URL to the full-size image is as follows:
I experienced this problem too. It seems HBO Max has made changes and in some episodes the field seriesTitles -> full is missing and makes the addon to fail.
Sadly as of today I also cannot view all videos (some that I watched earlier still work though) and get this error:


This is one debug log I collected after unsuccessfully traying to watch a stream: https://paste.kodi.tv/zahudakuvi  (Started the stream at 19:36:15)
A workaround for the problem is to comment (or delete) that line (line 359 in plugin.py).
Thnx, works for me Smile
(2023-08-09, 23:08)Paco8 Wrote: A workaround for the problem is to comment (or delete) that line (line 359 in plugin.py).

Do you maybe also have a workaround for the Search error I get, explained above?
(2023-08-10, 12:51)Sholander Wrote:
(2023-08-09, 23:08)Paco8 Wrote: A workaround for the problem is to comment (or delete) that line (line 359 in plugin.py).

Do you maybe also have a workaround for the Search error I get, explained above?

The search option works for me.
It's mysterious to me, some titles can be searched but some others return the error explained above, although titles exist and can be found in offered menu folders...

Edit: found a workaround for my Search problem, I commented out line 120 in plugin.py (shown in post #597) which has same content as line 359.
just pushed an update commenting out those two lines.
It does affect kodis display / handling of episodes - but better than nothing.
I can no longer test this addon as I only had a USA login

I've just started using HBO Max addon, and I've noticed something - when using Continue watching I can see episode title, but not TV show title, nor poster. Instead of poster there's screenshot from that episode. I don't know if this is due to the change in latest update, but it's pretty hard to know what episode belongs to what show, especially if you have, for example, screenshot of an empty pool as poster for one of the 5 shows on Continue watching list. Is there any way to display show title with episode title?

Best regards,
What do you mean "using Continue watching" ?
Is that an addon or are you using the hbo max addon setting to "play next episode" ?

Sorry if my post was confusing. When I run HBO Max addon, there is folder-like structure. One of the nodes is Continue watching (after I've turned it on in HBO Max addon settings). It behaves the same (no show name or poster) if I use that node inside widgets.

Hope I've made it a bit more clear than the last time Smile

Best regards,

Edit: Since I wasn't able to do it earlier, I'm attaching screenshots of main HBO Max add-on menu, and Continue Watching menu on default Kodi skin.



Best regards,

Besides the addon not displaying TV Show name, I've recently encountered an error, and I cannot play any HBO Max content via addon. I've tried to continue TV shows I'm watching, as well as playing movies I haven't watched, but in both cases I get the following error: 


I've tried playing the same TV Shows and movies via web browser and Samsung TV app, and they play properly. 

I would appreciate any help.

Best regards,
what country are you in / using?

I'm using it in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Best regards,
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