Android Refresh rate switching question
Wasn't suggesting it as a permanent fix, just that you may have some processing option ticked on the AVR which forces it to 1080, bypassing should tell you if that's where the problem is so you can dig deeper.

Worth persevering as it works really well, I've replaced my HTPC with one of these and now only use that as a fileserver. If you haven't done it already it's well worth putting a USB stick in the back of it and moving Kodi to it and then make it save all the database, artwork etc files onto the USB too. Follow this guide to get it working...

I found the best method was to a full back up onto a network attached device first and then uninstall Kodi, reinstall and move to external storage as per guide before doing anything else, then do a restore.
Sadly the settings on that receiver are pretty poor, but I'll try to dig into it ASAP Smile

I don't understand the added value to move kodi to a USB stick  Huh
I already backup everything on a share hosted on a synology, using the backup add-on.
It's the associated files rather than the app itself. If you have a decent sized media collection you'll fill up the internal storage very quickly leaving less room for other apps. Particularly bad is all the images, cover shots, fan art, actor pics etc etc.
I see. I'll keep an eye on it and will do it if it becomes an issue Smile

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