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Mod Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
Hello Everyone,

I've added a Menu Item called Google Photos that shows all my photos and it works fine.  However nothing is showing on the RHS until I select the Widget.  Can this be fixed?




You have to fill up your home screen entry with widgets. Use "Lists (up to 8 Items)" for your personal widgets and fill the items with content. For more information please ask in the skin shortcuts thread: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...=shortcuts
(2023-10-18, 09:06)_BJ1 Wrote: You have to fill up your home screen entry with widgets. Use "Lists (up to 8 Items)" for your personal widgets and fill the items with content. For more information please ask in the skin shortcuts thread: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...=shortcuts

Thank you, I will give that a go.
You have to disable audio passthrough and enable sync to screen

Where  can I setting enable sync to screen?  I can't find it
(2023-10-20, 06:54)startv Wrote: enable sync to screen

I think it's called Sync Playback to Display.
### 4.1.3+nexus .1 ###
  • added several busy spinners (see skin settings, extras, busy spinners, types) - thanks to frodo19
  • added trakt rating to video info dialog
  • update deprecated player info
  • improved OSD code grouping, replace filenames with window names

Note that most changes are "under the hood" improvements. They are not visible for most users and reflect "only" code changes/improvements.
### 21.0.0+omega .6 ###


  • based on the latest Nexus version
  • show PVR SIG and SNR flags only when LiveTV or Radio is playing
  • add "More" folder for dynamic content containers (home screen)
  • fix pvr targets in home screen widgets

ONLY up from Kodi Omega 21.0 beta 1 (and up)!

Team Kodi has bumped the GUI version up to 5.17.0 so it's possible to assign the correct skin version to the Kodi version. Note that the skin is in beta state just as Kodi is...
(2023-08-16, 22:38)_BJ1 Wrote: Sure.


Hello, the skin is really excellent. But I have a small problem, I can't activate forced view in the library settings like in the photo in a previous post. For me it remains grayed out
You don't have your content (movies or episodes) scraped into the libraries. Forced views of files in file mode is not supported. https://kodi.wiki/view/Video_library
### 4.1.3+nexus.2 ###
  • show PVR SIG and SNR flags only when LiveTV or Radio is playing
  • fix content paths of pvr widgets (home screen)
  • remove obsolete DialogFavourites.xml
  • fade out extended progress bar when music visualisation is active
  • some seasonal backgrounds changed
  • add more busy spinners

### 21.0.0+omega.7 ###
  • remove obsolete DialogFavourites.xml
  • fade out extended progress bar when music visualisation is active
  • some seasonal backgrounds changed
  • add more busy spinners
  • add missing font definition
Thanks for the info it's all good now
### 4.1.3+nexus.3 ### & ### 21.0.0+omega.8 ###
  • fix several position adjustments on small Video OSD
  • add PVR device number flag if PVR stream device has numbered (#x) labels

The added tuner number flags are a really nice tweak
I was wondering: could we hide the sq/snr indicators if the source does not provide the values (condition: sig+snr are 0).
It's a little bit difficult. Normally a SQ/SNR value of 0 indicates a problem with the backend device (if SQ/SNR is provided by the backend driver and submitted to the PVR client). If this is not provided you can simply turn off the option "show signal quality" in Settings -> PVR & Live TV. But disabling this option hides the tuner number flag too because the property PVR.ActStreamDevice will not be filled and in conclusion the tuner number will not be shown.

Must think about it. I could implement an option in skin settings e.g. "Don't show SQ/SNR if not provided by backend Driver" but this competes with the "show signal quality" of the general settings within Kodi. Additional, the general setting is only visible if setting level is set to "Advanced" (and up) and that could confused users because the suggested skin option above seems to have no effect.
Very clear and thorough explanation.
I don't think the gain outweighs the minus points, so pls don't think about it for too long Wink
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Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition0