Solved Remove missing/corrupted respository called kodinerds
My log file is littered with errors about a repository called kodinerds as follows:

2024-01-04 22:17:20.279 T:21380   error <general>: Repository add-on repository.kodinerds does not have any directory and won't be able to update/serve addons! Please fix the addon.xml definition
2024-01-04 22:17:20.284 T:14200   error <general>: Repository add-on repository.kodinerds uses old schema definition for the repository extension point! This is no longer supported, please update your addon to use <dir> definitions.

To the best of my recollection, this is something I did not intentionally install. And the problem is I can't figure out how to get rid of it. I'm running a portable installation. When I open Kodi, if I go to SETTINGS > ADD-ONS > INSTALL FROM REPOSITORY, I see "KODINERDS.NET ADD-ONS." If I click on it, I get "Could not connect to repository." And if I go to SETTINGS > ADD-ONS > INSTALL FROM REPOSITORY > ALL REPOSITORIES > ADD-ON REPOSITORY, I also see "KODINERDS.NET ADD-ONS." And if I click on that, I get an option to install. And if I try to install, it says "add-on installed." But it does not seem to actually do anything. And if I go back in, there is no option for disable or uninstall. It just offers the install option again.

I have searched the entire directory references to kodinerds. There is a "repository.kodinerds" in .:\Kodiv20\portable_data\addons and a zip file in .:\Kodiv20\portable_data\addons\packages.

How can I get rid of this?
(2024-01-05, 05:44)Loondawg Wrote: There is a "repository.kodinerds" in .:\Kodiv20\portable_data\addons
Yep, just delete that repository.kodinerds folder and also the zip file and restart Kodi. Should be all fixed.
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FYI, you need to be in My addons > Addon repository to uninstall an addon.
(2024-01-05, 05:44)Loondawg Wrote:

This is really an old version. Delete all occurrences of this. The actual version is
(2024-01-05, 10:37)Hitcher Wrote: FYI, you need to be in My addons > Addon repository to uninstall an addon.

Thanks for the help. This was the solution. User error. The repository did not originally appear there when I was first looking for it. It must have been added back when I tried to install it but I never went back and checked.

After disabling it and uninstalling, I still had one occurrence of the error in the log instead of multiples. After I manually deleted the the repository file there are now have no more errors about kodinerds. So again, thank you for your help.
Thread marked solved.
I don't have this in myaddons and I still get this error, any idea why?
You can't get that specific error from a repo you don't have installed.

Supply a debug log (wiki) to the paste site and link here so we can see exactly what error you are actually getting, then perhaps some sense can be made of it.
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I was troubleshooting a different issue and have this same problem with this same repo. Running LibreELEC 12 on a RPi2.

Here's my logfile:
Here's the output of find -type f -name "addon.xml", just trying to see if I even have this addon anywhere on the file system.


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Remove missing/corrupted respository called kodinerds0