Kodi v22 "P" - Codename Suggestions/feedback
@Fuzzard @DarrenHill
Please, hide the Suggestion table from the first Codename post. It's not a fair hint.
You're not adding new names.
Thank You
Let Kodi 22's favori name be "Pushkin"
(2024-01-16, 12:14)jjd-uk Wrote: Pulsar
Best option by far. I changed my vote above to reflect this. Great suggestion.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
It seems that has been used by a torrent addon in the past, it's not been updated in nearly 9 years so not sure if that's enough to dissociated the use.

In light of that, I suggest Photon
see what I did there Smile

My preference is always short & easy to spell.
How about
I choose "Phase" (stage)
Perry (as in Matthew).

"He intrigues me, this Picard. [..] Remarkably analytical and dispassionate, for a Human. I understand why my father chose to mind meld with him. There's almost a Vulcan quality to the man."
– Spock, 2368 ("Unification II")

I expect an almost Vulcan quality to this new version of Kodi. Engage!!
(2024-01-11, 20:53)_BJ1 Wrote: Everything else but no Star Trek/Wars related.

Why steer people clear of Star Trek/Wars? Just a personal dislike or copyright/other issue? We already had Leia.
Life is short, I don't have time for squabbles. Lets be friends, lets enjoy Kodi :)
Punk, of course
Kodi Proton, a positive charge to the nucleus of entertainment. lol
I would vote for "Pangaea" also it's the complete opposite of the usual Science Fiction inspired Kodi names.

Some of the suggestions may be interfere with name rights of others. Picard, Proton, Potter, Pushkin and Parabellum are names or trade marks of companies. Especially the last one from my list, Parabellum, is an absolute "no go", if you ask me. Parabellum is the name of a World War 2 Nazi gun. Kodi should not be associated with guns or Nazis, i'm sure...

Thanks for reading, Claus

Kodi Pangaea
table updated to here
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Kodi v22 "P" - Codename Suggestions/feedback0