Manual Playlist - Way to Automate "Play Next Unplayed"?
Hi All -

I've created various manual playlists that combine movies and tv shows (think Marvel in chronological order). These were all very tedious to create but I have them now. The problem I'm running into is that I can't see a way to create a button to play the next unplayed item (whether it be episode or movie) in the list. Additionally, it seems like there's at least a skin specific bug (I haven't tested other skins than my primary) whereby items in manual playlists do not show whether they've been played or not played (or whether it's in progress) and I can't hide played episodes/movies by selecting "Hide Watched". These things combine to make my playlists way less useful.

Number 1 goal: Have a button to play next unplayed item (which could be a movie or tv episode) -
in the event that doesn't work
Number 2 goal: At least have a button that brings up the entire playlist and allows me to hide played items
in the event that doesn't work
Number 3 goal: At least have a button that brings up the entire playlist and shows me which items have been played (or are in progress) the same way that I see that in every other view within Kodi

I currently have successfully created the playlists and I have two different kinds of buttons:
(1) A button that plays the playlist - problem is it always plays the first item (over and over and over again, whether it's been watched or not)
(2) A button that brings up the entire playlist, problems are that it doesn't allow me to hide watched items, nor can I see the normal check mark indicating what has been watched.

Thanks all.

Thanks in advance.

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Manual Playlist - Way to Automate "Play Next Unplayed"?0