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Release Disney+
there is nothing the addon can do about that sorry
Either inputstream.adaptive or kodi issue
(2024-02-29, 05:12)matthuisman Wrote: there is nothing the addon can do about that sorry
Either inputstream.adaptive or kodi issue

Ok, thanks for responding. I thought it was a problem with this Disney+ addon, since I use others like Prime Video, HBO, Netflix and Filmin and this does not happen.

If I find a solution I will post it on this forum. 
I guess more people will have this problem. I have this error on the Android TV and on the Windows PC.
I have this problem with the Star+ addon. However, only in new content. The strange thing is that this doesn't happen with english subtitles, only in another language. At least that's what I realized.
Same problem here.
subittle problem out of hands sorry.
Try latest Omega. It has a newer inputstream adaptive & kodi that may solve it.
Otherwise, you may need to open inputstream adaptive issue and provide all the details

Also, there is a Star+ thread here:

If its star+ issue, post there and not here
Thanks matthuisman the lates Kodi 21 Omega works better.
Is there a step I need to take to access the Hulu content on the Disney+ addon? I see the Hulu section under "Hubs" but when I click it it says no content. Even if I go into my D+ account and add a show or movie from the hulu section to my watchlist then go into watchlist in the D+ addon, the show/movie I added is not there.
Hello, currently, I do not see subtitles at all in the latest version of Kodi 21 RC and the latest version of  Disney+ addon. the subtitles are on and selected, but the background does not appear. Has anyone also had this problem?
There are a lot of changes happening with inputstream adaptive currently (that's used for playback). Suspect it's that. Nothing I can really do my side unfortunately 😔
I understand, but the problem is only with the Disney addon, nothing else, that's strange
There are many different ways subtitles can be provided by services.
I'm having the same problem. I've noticed that if we use external subtitles they load and show up fine, though.
I'm on Android TV btw. I'll try to investigate a bit more during the weekend if I have time.
there has been a lot of big refactor / rewrites in IA Omega version over last few months:
I'd suggest creating issue here: https://github.com/xbmc/inputstream.adaptive/issues if not one already.
I have provided that dev with a Disney+ login so he should be able to test Smile

Be nice though as he's been doing a huge amount of work to get all the code in a better state.
Regressions are likely but over time it'll get better with a better base
Looks like the subtiles in Omega should be fixed with https://github.com/xbmc/inputstream.adaptive/pull/1522
(2024-04-08, 02:49)matthuisman Wrote: Looks like the subtiles in Omega should be fixed with https://github.com/xbmc/inputstream.adaptive/pull/1522

Can confirm this fix works.

For those who want to test, download a temporary version of IS:A from here: https://jenkins.kodi.tv/blue/organizatio.../artifacts
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