Mouse Support in Fullscreen
Hello all,

i already used the search function but couldn't find anything usable.
My question is quite easy i guess, but like to run XBMC in fullscreen and need to use the mouse til my remote will be delivered Sad
But as soon as i start XBMC in fullscreen the mouse isn't available/visible anymore. Is there an option how to get the mouse working in fullscreen?

Thanks in advance

/edit, almost forgot it, running XBMC on Vista 32Bit
i also use windows vista and i can see the mouse just fine... have you checked if the mouse is enabled in the xbmc system settings? if it is it could be a problem with your version, try using and older or more recent revision depending on the one ur using now.
uha666 Wrote:i also use windows vista and i can see the mouse just fine... have you checked if the mouse is enabled in the xbmc system settings? if it is it could be a problem with your version, try using and older or more recent revision depending on the one ur using now.

Using 8.10 where can i enable the mouse in the settings ? maybe i overseen it.

/edit, selfhealing not is it working and i found the checkbox for enable mouse after is was working Smile

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