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Arctic: Zephyr - Reloaded
I am new to this forum so please excuse if I am posting in the incorrect spot.

I have recently installed this skin on a Windows nexus system and have noticed that on the “recently added movies” LIST view screen that the video duration is missing from the display. It does however appear on the other movie LIST screens. Is it possible to have this added.


I have been desperately searched around and cannot find the settings:

- How to keep the videos/movie still lined up in the spotlight view? For unknown reason, video I shortly viewed disappeared from the lineup.
- How to set the genres indicated (already) at the videos/movies lineup under plot? (yes  I can click the movie go to details(incl. the genres)

Kodi 20.4(Nexus) / FireTV 4K
Hello, I can't get the clear logo to work for me in the widgets, what can I do? I have it checked in the options
hello im new with this skin , i liked very much, but is a way to not show first image with title artic reloaded every time i open kodi?
I’ve run into a recurring issue where Kodi freezes up whenever my router loses its internet connection.
I understand that Arctic Zephyr REQUIRES additional addons, and I suspect one of these might be causing the freeze? But I have no clue which one, and I'm not very technical? So I'm hoping someone might help me pinpoint which addon might be responsible, and I can then go pester the folks who provide support for that addon? 
Or, just HOPING - is there a known workaround to prevent Kodi from freezing under these circumstances? Like a switch that just tells Kodi - "Chill the #*#$ out. No, there's no internet connection. STOP whatever you're doing rather than freezing up the whole system." 
I live in a rural area. My internet connectivity is fairly unstable. 
I'm not streaming videos off the internet. All of the files are hosted locally, being accessed via SMB with the proper 192.168 local address. VLC works fine playing the same videos. 
So I definitely don't even need whatever addon is constantly "calling out" to the internet for no reason whatsoever? 
But I'm not allowed to turn off the addons, as Kodi refuses, given the addon is required by Arctic Zephyr. 
Thanks VERY much for any advice?
> hello im new with this skin , i liked very much, but is a way to not show first image with title artic reloaded every time i open kodi?

Under "Skin settings", "Extras" you have the option "Startup window". Set "Startup image" to None and the image should not display at Kodi startup.
Nvidia Shield Pro, Kodi 21.0 Omega, Arctic Zephyr Reloaded
i have this setting and still every time i open kodi the image with the artic logo appears
(2024-04-02, 13:30)daniko Wrote: i have this setting and still every time i open kodi the image with the artic logo appears
This seems to work fine on my Shield but on my Windows test machine I see the same (Startup image set to none still shows the image). When I turn of the Startup window completely (so tick-box cleared and "Startup video or music playlist" and "Startup image" greyed out) I do not see the image
Nvidia Shield Pro, Kodi 21.0 Omega, Arctic Zephyr Reloaded
Hello! First of all, thank you so much for that amazing skin that I am using since time ago.

Now I am having problems with clearlogos....

I am on Kodi 21, with AZR v3.0.0, modern multiwidgets Netflix view, have tmdb helper installed with API key, all the options in the skin to show clearlogos are ticked, but no clearlogos.

Any idea? Thanks!!
Hi, wondered if someone could help with this - not sure if it's a skin question or artist slideshow question; is it possible to replace the artist information on the now playing screen with the album information instead? And can I increase the space provided for this? Happy to change this myself (if someone can point me in the right direction) rather than a change to the skin.

Many thanks
which file can i edit to force view for episodes in 1080i folder or wherever it is located, everything else seems to keep its view except for TV show episodes. This is for the Omega version. I had already tried to click force view. but didn't work Thank you!
Hi guys, I'm new here on the forum, I just installed Kodi and the movie information icons are blank, I wanted to know how to leave the colored icons there marking if it is DTS X or Dolby Atmos or 5.1 or 7.1, can you help me?
(2024-04-09, 21:49)Moisessilveira33 Wrote: Hi guys, I'm new here on the forum, I just installed Kodi and the movie information icons are blank, I wanted to know how to leave the colored icons there marking if it is DTS X or Dolby Atmos or 5.1 or 7.1, can you help me?

Welcome! Newbee here as well :-).

The related settings for the Media flags are under Furniture - Show Media flags + Show Media icons (both need to be on), Colored icon media flags needs to be turned on if you don't like the white ones. Then go to Select Media flags there and tick all the boxes for the flags that you want to be displayed (Audio codec in your example would need to be turned on to show DTS / Dolby / etc).

I have not turned on the Colored media flags and selected the first 6 options under Select Media flags so I see the white icons in the relevant views.
Nvidia Shield Pro, Kodi 21.0 Omega, Arctic Zephyr Reloaded
hello, is it possible that in the music section the osd and cd and progress bar remain permanently activated during the entire song?

I just upgraded to Kodi 21 and the skin cannot show "Favourites". Sad
Do I need to uninstall and re-install the skin?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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