v22 waipu.tv stopped working
Hi all,

I am using kodi nightly on windows. Today my waipu.tv plugin stopped working. I am using version pvr.waipu v21.5.1 of the plugin.
In KODI's log there is only this:

2024-04-19 18:55:23.311 T:4948    error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.waipu: [Http-GET-Request] error. status: 503, body: <html>
                                                   <head><title>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</title></head>
                                                   <center><h1>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</h1></center>

Is it possible that waipu has somehow blocked the plugin? I am still able to use the waipu.tv via chrome browser on the same machine.
Any ideas and help are welcome.

Thanx in advance,


it looks like it was a temporal issue. The plugin works again.
It's strange as I would like to close this topic or delete it, but I have no edit button.
Post can be closed.
Hi all,

above mentioned problem does still exist for me; waipu not working but exiting after playing for few seconds. updated my kodi to latest stable version 21, reinstalled waipu addon with no success.

Thanx 4 helping me in advance

(2024-04-22, 21:26)dreddy Wrote: Hi all,

above mentioned problem does still exist for me; waipu not working but exiting after playing for few seconds. updated my kodi to latest stable version 21, reinstalled waipu addon with no success.

Thanx 4 helping me in advance

fogot to declare my system: FireTV Cube !
Same here. Kodi 21.0 over Windows.

The PVR plugin is displayed separately as the device "Kodi 21.0" in my customer account. I can also download a complete EPG and the broadcast list.
If I then select a channel, it is buffered, the picture and sound appear for a few seconds (Full HD and synchronous), then the streaming stops.
If I restart Kodi, I can repeat streaming for a few seconds. It is also irrelevant whether I select a free or an encrypted channel. On the same PC I can watch in full quality via the Chrome browser without any problems.
I can confirm this problem for KODI 21 on RPI4, RPI5 (Libreelec 11, Kodi 21) and Windows (Kodi 21). 
Some channels stop after 3-5 seconds, other are working, but it takes around 5-10 seconds until channel is starting.

When going back to Libreelec 10 with Kodi 19.5 it works like charm.
I was able to solve the problem under Windows with Kodi 21 and the add-on thanks to an entry in the kodinerds forum.
Streaming menu -> Streaming protocol -> on "MPEG_DASH" (default "AUTO"). The latest version from the REPO should be installed.
I can now watch all German channels in full resolution and without interruption (tried several public broadcasters and Pro7 HD). Streaming also starts immediately - without any waiting time.
Maybe this will help someone here with the same problem. So the problem might not only be solved under Windows.

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