New version uploaded to the website. Changes are as follows:
Fixed - Video OSD buttons missing
Added - Proper animations for Video OSD stuff
Fixed - folder "default" renamed to "Default" (broken global art for linux users)
Fixed - dupe strings in the language file
Added - Portuges (BR) translation
Changed - Overlapping label/title in music file view, tiles.
Changed - Page letter shows up when scrolling individual mp3's. Now shows artist name.
Fixed - Page letter/artist name doesn't show up when now playing info is on.
Added - "No rating" logo for movies
Added - full flagset for small info views/TV shows.
Added - Fullscreen video when *not* in video window.
Fixed - Tile/Poster label wasn't hiding on transition to fanart mode.
Changed - TV "now playing" label shows more show info.
Fixed - Episode thumbnail was missing in list view/small ep info.
Fixed - Volume, Video Scan, & Music Scan dialogues were overlapping settings menus.
Changed - Flip-flopped scanning labels.
Fixed - Fading on flag visibility
Fixed - default studio flag not scaled properly
Changed - Date/runtime stay visible in fanart view now
Fixed - accidentally broke mpaa rating flag include
Fixed - spacing between audio channel/studio flag
Fixed - long titles in fanart view overlap year/runtime
So who's actually still using this skin?