Linux green screen on HDR - RX550 fresh unraid VM install
unraid (qemu) VM x86_64 with 2 core intel i5-7400 and working pcie passthrough
Arch Linux basic OVA qcow2 updated and extended with kodi, amdgpu, ...

Kodi 21.0.0 20240408-nogitfound

Clean install, only fileserver SMB added

"Adjust display HDR mode" toggled to ON shows green image for HDR10 content, see log.  TV doesn't show "HDR detected".

TV and cabling on libreelec bare metal box works with HDR being detected and shown on tv.

libreelec bare metal box has intel HD630, not the RX550.
libreelec vm on unraid (instead of arch linux vm with kodi) also gives green image.

adding another log, this time without Jellyfin spam

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green screen on HDR - RX550 fresh unraid VM install0