Solved Main Kodi Repository is Missing
I have a fresh 20.2.0 Kodi install and the main Kodi repo is missing. This is (mostly) preventing me from installing addons due to missing dependencies. I've kind of gotten around that by manually installing dependencies from this location, but it's kind of a pain.

I'm talking about common packages like "plugin.googledrive" and "script.module.*", etc...

How can I manually install the Kodi Addon Repository, and any other basic repos that should have been installed by default?
This is an install script for Kodi 21.0 (Omega) for Linux Mint 64-bit version.
When this script is run there will be an initial errors displayed but after adding keyrings there are no more errors.
This script has been tested and works well.

Source Code

I hope this useful.

Thank you...
Send me a PM and I'll send you the complete source code.
Thank you...
That's not the whole thing?

Can you post it here for the next person who has this problem?
Why would you post the script incomplete?
I make set posters! (I also take requests)
(2024-04-24, 20:53)Dragen Wrote: Why would you post the script incomplete?

That is the complete source code but this forum has filtered out some of the URL coding and replaced it with dots.
My installation file can be downloaded from here ...
I ran this today. Most installed, but not everything, and the main Kodi repo still isn't listed. It looks like it might have tried to update Kodi to version 21, but I still have 20.
Ahh. Thank you.
I make set posters! (I also take requests)
Is this linux mint debian edition or the regular linux mint? It did not work for me…

I'm kind of stuck here : I have my computer (Linux Mint) and my TV (android), using the same SQL database. The TV updated itself to kodi 21 (thus updating the database) and I cannot update my computer's kodi. I'm kind of down… I tried the flathub version, but I cannot find a way to share my user folder between the two instances. If someone can help me out, that would make my day…
wm: muffin vt: 7 dm: LightDM 1.30.0 Distro: Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia base: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy

Sorry for flooding, I did not realize one cannot edit their post.

The best thing for me would be to update my running kodi. Then if it is not doable, linking the flatpak version with the user folder would be something. Thanks for any inpu.
You're still a newbie account, so you don't have edit privs yet (it's a generic board anti-spam measure).

I've merged your three posts above together anyway for tidiness.
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This thread solved it.
(sort of, I still cannot install without flatpak, but at least I'm reusing my user folder)
Thread marked solved.
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