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Req Subdl add-on.
Now that subscene.com is gone I and many others would definitely highly appreciate if a dev could make one for subdl.com as it seems to be the natural successor and has the entire library of subscene.com already.

Here is the API documentation.

Thanks in advance. I will happily beta test the addon on multiple devices if needed.
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Kodi Blog Posts
I found this simple python script to utilize the subdl API.

I hope it can help anyone interested in trying to develop an add-on for Kodi Smile
I found this in Reddit.

I think this is a good option for everyone. If anyone wants to improve the addon they will be welcome. Smile
(2024-05-13, 12:17)klingsor Wrote: I found this in Reddit.

I think this is a good option for everyone. If anyone wants to improve the addon they will be welcome. Smile

Very nice! Thank you Smile
That's nice...But could anyone tell me how to install that on Kodi ?

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