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[WINDOWS] External Player Support Thread
tiben20 Wrote:for virtual drive Image
for the external player you create the xml file in your userdata directory like you said and you insert the defaultplayer settings like this


and about the auto mount you want it would be easier to do it with daemon tools than virtual drive

Got it.

When you mount your file to play in XMBC, are you doing this while in XBMC?....or are you doing it outside of XBMC??
I want to be able to look through my movie collection in XBMC, select a movie, it automatically mount my ISO file to Virtual Clone Drive and then open up my external player......all within XBMC.

The screen shot you provided for VCD is not within XBMC.

Again, thanks for the help
tiben20 Wrote:i just did a work around that work with only one extension i added after
// only dvdplayer can handle these normally
  if (url.GetFileType().Equals("sdp")
  ||  url.GetFileType().Equals("asf"))
in the PlayerCoreFactory.cpp
CURL externalPlayerUrl(g_advancedSettings.m_externalPlayerFilename);

    if (url.GetFileType().Equals("wmv") && externalPlayerUrl.GetFileType().Equals("exe"))
Im not really an expert in c++ but this is doing the job.
Its looking the extension of the file and its looking if the external player is an .exe extension too. Just in case you dont have an external setted

Can this be set up to do this with MKV files? The only reason I don't use externalplayer is the inconvenience of it. If it could finally be trained to respond automagically to certain filetypes, I'd be all over it.
http://xbmc.org/ticket/6383this is something i done 3 days ago

to have custom external player settings for every file extension.
tiben20 Wrote:http://xbmc.org/ticket/6383this is something i done 3 days ago

to have custom external player settings for every file extension.
I'm curious as if developers will/would be willing to commit this to SVN.

In the past I've got the impression that they were against this, but I wasn't clear if the reason was lack of resources to dedicate to its development or more "philosophical" reasons.

Is your patch crossplatform?
in it current state it definitely won't be merged. there is absolutely no reason to limit this to external players.

i'll discuss with the author on trac as to why that is, when i get around to it.
spiff Wrote:in it current state it definitely won't be merged. there is absolutely no reason to limit this to external players.
I'm not sure I get what you are meaning here. Unless... you mean that for certain extensions one should be allowed to configure for regular DVDplayer? In that case I wholeheartedly agree. DVDplayer ISO support is second to none, for instance (in my experience, in my opinion, etc. Wink).
yes, there is no reason to limit the configuration file to externalplayers. i have always wanted this functionality in general to rid the code of a nasty function. instead we can configure using an xml file, set a default and override where we see fit.

so tiben20, not a slamming of your stuff, just think it can be more
I had, I think, the same thoughts; replacing the entire PlayerCoreFactory with something XML-driven. However, I didn't expect that much of a change to be welcomed since it largely benefits the externalplayer which I thought was viewed a bit like a ginger step-child [somewhat rightly so, no-one wants to see XBMC as a launcher].
well, if other parts can benefit...

and my personal view in general; if people want to use xbmc as a launcher, why should we limit their option to do so? while i wouldn't put any effort into it myself, you guys have done all the work and everyone benefits..
fair enough.

i guess we should take the implementation discussion to trac.
The only reason why i did this patch. its only because im having some playback problem with wmv file. And i hate having to use the sub menu to select a different player everytime i play a wmv file.
And just for telling everyone its the first time i was coding in c++. So dont expect too much from me to develop this patch very far.
What spiff was suggesting should be simple I guess (I'm not a programmer, so I might be totally wrong). Just allow for DVDplayer to be one of the players that can be chosen. Well, now that I think of it... there's no executable to call directly, maybe it's not so simple.
tiben20 Wrote:The only reason why i did this patch. its only because im having some playback problem with wmv file. And i hate having to use the sub menu to select a different player everytime i play a wmv file.
And just for telling everyone its the first time i was coding in c++. So dont expect too much from me to develop this patch very far.

I'm happy to do some work on this, it's obviously not going to be in 9.04 though (just to manage expectations).

spiff: I'll pm you if you're happy to discuss...
What would be even better is to allow conditions like filename so external players could be launched for MMS:// streams or HTTP:// streams.
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[WINDOWS] External Player Support Thread11