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Arctic: Zephyr - Reloaded
(2024-05-13, 08:13)meridius Wrote: So the page one version does work ? Not the download version in Kodi get skin ?
Sorry, I don't know. I have downloaded it, but not installed it yet.
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(2024-05-13, 08:13)meridius Wrote: So the page one version does work ? Not the download version in Kodi get skin ?

I have version 3.0.1 installed and the options are in the settings, which is probably more Omega than AZR, and the Manage Versions option is in the context menu but it still doesn't seem to be working. I just hear an error beep like it is trying to open the Manage Version dialogue box but can't.
This is what I see in the log:

2024-05-13 07:43:03.296 T:21960   debug <general>: ------ Window Deinit (DialogContextMenu.xml) ------
2024-05-13 07:43:03.323 T:21960   debug <general>: ------ Window Init (DialogVideoManager.xml) ------
2024-05-13 07:43:03.323 T:21960    info <general>: Loading skin file: DialogVideoManager.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2024-05-13 07:43:03.324 T:21960   error <general>: Unable to load window XML: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/skin.arctic.zephyr.mod/1080i/DialogVideoManager.xml. Line 0
                                                   Failed to open file
Looks like the last commit on GitHub shows a revert on versions support.
Kodi v22 nightly master (arm64), nVidia Shield Pro 2019 SE 9.1.1+Hotfix (Android 11), Samsung Q8FN, Synology DS1821+ DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 5
Love the skin, thanks for it! But one question: when playing music (or audio books in my case), is it possible to show the current track number on the main page (instead of only album title and artist title)?

When playing audiobooks, there are often like hundreds of titles in one "album" and it would be really helpful to see the current track number.

Screenshot with the area marked in red that I am referring too:

I also found the skin option to enable also displaying the current playlist, so it gives an idea where you currently are in the album. Screenshot following. But being able to really see the current track number would still be great.
Hi, wondered if someone could help - I'd like to move the Song - Artist and Stars up a bit on the music screen (see below), so that they are in line with the top of the CD case, and then increase the number of lines of the artist biography section, so it should be either 3 or 4 lines rather than 2. I'm guessing it's the MusicVisualisation.xml file but can't work out what elements to change?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have recently started using this skin with Omega & so far I am loving it.
I hace come across two issues:
One is that when paused TV shows are not showing the Poster, just an empty place holder. If I pause a movie the poster is showing up fine.
Two is a bit strange & difficult to explain. When scrolling (left to right) through the horizontal menu from Movies to TV the background image changes almost instantly, but when scrolling (right to left) from TV to movies the back ground image will remain with the TV show background until the timer for the next image switch, then it changes to a movie background. If I scroll (right to left) from TV to Movie to the next menu item (in my case Power) the TV background on the Movie Tab instantly disappears & the Power background is show as expected. So it just seems to be going from TV to Movies where there is some strange delay.
Hope this makes sense.
I have recently jumped skin and started using this, what a great skin it is! Only one little thing, I cant seem to get the movie length to show in recently added movies view, everywhere else it works fine.
Can you tell me what exactly needed to be edited to remove or change the OSD gradient?
(2024-05-28, 23:05)WakaWata Wrote: Can you tell me what exactly needed to be edited to remove or change the OSD gradient?

Since I don't have edit privileges yet it is regarding this post

(2022-04-18, 20:06)clockwerk Wrote: Image

lol sorry, your skin is just that great! Just need some tweaks for my liking.

Another question, how do disable the black gradient in pause osd.

I've edited out 3D mode and bookmarks from Includes_OSD.xml. i assume the black gradient is in there as well. Just want to know what to delete/edit.
Sorry friends I am actually new to Kodi and will really need some of your expert avise and guidance. For now I am currently running KODI Omega 21 on Nvidia Pro Shield and found this to be the best skin - Arctic: Zephyr - Reloaded (Omega, Latest version)

Can you please suggest me as to how can I install the latest version of this skin compatible with KODI Omega ?
Sir, how to install these skins into Kodi. Is it very simialr to what we get inside Kodi's Add on --- Look&Feel === Skins.

Please guide me sir..
Still loving this skin! The only change I would love is the option to show the clearlogo on the Home Screen in the “Clean and Minimal” style. Is it possible to add this option?
I can't get 5.1 surround to work with my external HDD. It used to work and I've recently changed to arctic zephyr and it's no longer working. I have passthrough enabled and the source is definitely 5.1 but it just isn't working on Kodi. Any help appreciated
Hi there! Loving the skin - recently switched - maybe 2 weeks ago? I just added this to Issues in the github, but figured I'd add it here as well:

I've discovered that when navigating in EmbyCon, if I select a TV node (either the season or episode view), the View Mode randomly and continually resets to Netflix. I'll change the view mode, back out, return, and it will be what I selected. But then randomly a few minutes later, the view will reset again to Netflix. It always resets to Netflix, I've noticed. I was using EmbyCon without issue with an old version of Arctic Zephyr Resurrection and never had any similar issue.

I don't really use any other video add-ons. Perhaps someone can simply help me determine if this is an EmbyCon issue, or an issue with the skin.

Running Kodi 20.2, with the skin downloaded from the default Kodi add-ons, and also running the current version of EmbyCon.

I'm really loving this skin, it's great and the customisability is fantastic!

Is there any way of showing the avatar / profile image of the currently logged in user somewhere on the screen with this skin? I can do so in the default skin and it's really handy so I can quickly see if I'm logged in with the kids account or my own.

Also, is it possible to modify the login screen, to make the profile images larger?
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