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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
Ok, thanks! Good luck with the project.
Quote:2024-05-30 09:37:31.771 T:13264 info <general>: libPlacebo Spent 0.373 ms on shader: ortho (horiz) upscaling (lanczos), color decoding, color encoding, dithering (8 bits)
got my first frame rendering internally in libplacebo

Update:After a lot of work nv12 format can be rendered with libplacebo

Update: Updated to master branch as of 6 june
I started doing the libplacebo settings in the dialog, you will have 3 default settings fast, default and high quality. And you will be able to modify them and save with a name to reuse later
Ah damnit, you're going to make me put windows back on my media PC.... This is good news.

If you've got a Patreon (haven't looked yet), I'll probably hop on. I can't make big contributions like ashler, but I can manage $10-$20/mo
Developer for Shoko and Nakamori. Long time user of Kodi, before it was even called Kodi. My XBOX died long ago, but Windows is still just as broken and necessary. I obviously watch anime, given my first comment. Video games, manga, music, you name it.
Nice progress! Is the directshow side of things already in an usable state? If there's a compiled test build I'd love to test.
(2024-06-08, 08:18)IT007 Wrote: Nice progress! Is the directshow side of things already in an usable state? If there's a compiled test build I'd love to test.
Remember that testing is way easier if you build it your self because im making changes every day sometimes more than 1 update a day. I know the compile works out of the box if you listen to how to build kodi i made sure of that. Compiling libplacebo can be harder its mostly made for linux i have a git branch for the libplacebo im using too. I needed to fix the multi threaded system in libplacebo. I say that because i respect a lot the team that made libplacebo its such a nice library and i want to follow their licensing.

Right now the subtitles works need further testing to be sure the syncronisation work as expected. Didn't test every type of subs i use an old modification blinkseb designed a long time ago and didnt put it up to date. Transition with hdr need a fix but work when you start the first video its just not going back to normal colors after the video end. filter config is setup temporary for testing forcing things you might not want.
I have problem building the release install im just able to build in debug since the rebase from master branch
Ill find the problem and post a build for testing later today or this week. Remember its for testing and a lot is not at a final stage and i dont need to know right now what need to be fixed.
If it's still too early and you don't need feedback yet, you don't need to bother with the build on my account. But I'm happy to help with testing when you do need feedback.
Some Updates:
For the chroma upsampling which mean taking the texture with multiple plane and merge into one plane:
HDR10+ works with d3d11 video processor and internal shader
HDR10 works with d3d11 video processor and internal shader
HDR dovi was working 10 minutes before i commited the source small bug will figure it out

i get wrong color when i give the planes directly to libplacebo so i made it that d3d11 vp or internal shaders do the first step of converting it into an rgb image of the same size so no scaling is been done before giving it to libplacebo. From there libplacebo take the lead for upscaling and downscaling.
Im done with adding all the settings in the gui but i think its too much their like 150 settings possible with libplacebo.
If you look at the image you can see the new version of subtitles are working i just need to place them at the right place Tongue
I will keep changing does stats that are shown so it can be more suitable to what we want to see.
The stats that you see can be changed. You will have the choice between info about colors scaling and basic stuff like this one. The second mode will be focused on libplacebo options information. And the last one its more for me i want the info about the syncronisation of the audio and video stream and timing information for performance.

From the 50 min i just tested of opening, scrolling and closing randoms video files kodi didn't crash once so thats a good step forward.

For Madvr, I'm of the opinion that no gui options are needed, there are so many options and with HDR test builds they can change often.
Don't waste time with GUI options for Madvr. Love the progress!
Just to let people know i don't intend to modify or add anything about the madvr renderer. Ill fix bugs if new ones happen but everything will stay the same i just fixed the code to work with the new kodi.
Personally i stand strong behind open source software which madvr is not. By using libplacebo from the group who made videolan vlc and the mpv team. I feel like the work i put into the development of a windows direct3d 11 renderer this will be a step forward in the open source community.
I highly respect the creator of madvr, madshi but i don't like closed source software. So now you know why im focusing on an alternative to madvr that i hope people will adopt.
Ok, no worries, as long as Madvr works, it's good enough for me. And its good to have an alternative, in case madvr development ends.
Glad to see pretty much all of my suggestions are making it into this new DSPlayer! :-D

I have to publicly commend tiben20 as he was always ready to listen and always eager to understand the nature of the requests. We DSPlayer aficionados are a demanding bunch, I'm aware of that! Since the beginning I hoped that what mpv was doing could be brought over, exactly because madVR's future remains unclear and closed source on top of that.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
for the one who wants to have fun testing it.
I verified that madvr works before releasing it. You can expect bugs or crash especially in true full screen

I will still take full debug log if you experience crash so i can replicate and fix them
Happy to have a look.
Do you know what exact redistributables are required to run?
Having latest C++ 2015-2022 x64 installed does not seem to be sufficient. Getting complaints about vcruntime140d.dll msvcp140d.dll vcruntime140_1d.dll ucrtbased.dll missing. Thanks and good work! :-)
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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows47