Solved Reset Library
I am running KODI on my Xbox Series X. I want to reset the library and build it new. I've removed the sources just like it says in on the wiki, but I'm not given the option to remove all the titles from the library as part of the process. The wiki says I should receive a prompt to remove the titles from the library after elect to remove a source.

Am I doing something wrong? If not, how does one go about removing titles from the library (preferably all the titles at once)?
If you have removed the Source, then running a Clean Library from the settings pages will clear them all out.

But your image cache will remain. If storage is an issue, you should delete the \Thumbnails\ folder and the Textures database also...
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I'll try clearing the thumbnails tonight, but I have already tried the "Clean Library" option. It didn't do anything. Not only that, all the movies in the library still play even though the source has been removed. It's almost as if KODI no longer looks at that source for new videos, but the existing videos stay in the library because the file path to them hasn't changed (the files are still on the server).
I figured out what I was doing wrong. I was removing sources from the File Manager and not from the Media Settings like I should.

Thank you everyone who offered some help.
Thread marked solved.

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