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(2024-07-24, 11:16)MediaPi Wrote: hdmkv have you seen

Radxa X4 4GB WiFi 5 with N100 
you can pick up an ssd for like $10

libreelec works good with N100.
this is going to shake up the market for SBC.
maybe this could be a good fit for some people? price is insanely cheap compared to what we had before Radxa x4
I've been considering x86 ssytems primarily for Kodi + Streaming-Apps on Windows, and for that, 12th gen Intel and later suck, because they have removed 3D display mode support. only current CPU option for this is AMD.

If you go away from Windows, i would not know why x86 would be beneficial for just kodi/streaming. Seems like you would need Dolby Vision / Dolby Atmos "licensed" HW to get those benefits and then CoreElec - or Android.
Would CoreElec allow to display FullSBS h264/h265 (not MVC) with HDMI 1.4 FulHD 3D mode ?
I remember that Vero4k has some issues with this.

I am asking because i fear i want to convert my whole collection with BD3D2MKV3D so that i can watch the 3D movies not only at home but also on my XReal Air glasses. Unfortunately only with VLC because Kodi does not recognize the 3840x1080 display as 3D mode.

Of course, if we had a software-only MVC decoder for Kodi and support for 3840x1080 to display decoded FullSBS output signal, then i would not need to do the transcoding, but i fear my chances to wait for that feature in Kodi are extremely slim.
(2024-07-18, 18:22)hdmkv Wrote: 3D is now included in the mainline CoreELEC-ng nightly builds; very cool...

Less compelling reasons to get Vero V now over Ugoos IMHO. Vero V remains a solid player, but for about $20 or so less, AM6B+ does everything V does, plus full DV & it's a more powerful box. AV1 playback is one area where Vero V (or any S905X4) beats Ugoos.

Note: Unfortunately, 3D is broken in the build above. The 20240724 build should have fix.

I would argue that for 3D enthusiasts, the value proposition remains the same.

We provided the necessary patches to implement 3D MVC to the CE team four years ago, so it seems to be a low priority with the team. From the looks of it, some things haven't been implemented at all (such as 3D subtitling) and as Portisch has noted, a rework will be needed for 5.x. This will take a lot of time and resources, but the good news is we intend to support 3D MVC long term on our devices (past and future). For those wanting guaranteed support commitments on modern hardware, Vero V should provide that. 

(2024-07-24, 17:24)te36 Wrote:
(2024-07-18, 18:22)hdmkv Wrote: 3D is now included in the mainline CoreELEC-ng nightly builds; very cool...

Less compelling reasons to get Vero V now over Ugoos IMHO. Vero V remains a solid player, but for about $20 or so less, AM6B+ does everything V does, plus full DV & it's a more powerful box. AV1 playback is one area where Vero V (or any S905X4) beats Ugoos.

Note: Unfortunately, 3D is broken in the build above. The 20240724 build should have fix.
What what what what... (me, another 3D fan crawling up from under a rock)

Does CoreElec have actual support for HDMI 1.4 FullHD video output mode ? I tink there is no special HW for the box needed to do that, and the if MVC library is also software, so _if_ there is this video mode switching support for CoreElec, then all CoreElec boxes should support it. (give or take bugs of course).

If the MVC library uses some SoC API such as on Vero4k/Vero5k OSMC code, then of course, only those boxes with that API will work. But the diffs look as if MVC might be SoC independent in CoreElec.

We have implemented 3D FSBS now and I can send a test build your way for Vero 4K / 4K + or V if you would like to try it as we haven't had a lot of feedback yet. This is proper Full SBS output rather than the 'trick' to adjust the pixel ratio (which really results in half resolution output).
(2024-07-24, 20:01)Sam.Nazarko Wrote: We have implemented 3D FSBS now and I can send a test build your way for Vero 4K / 4K + or V if you would like to try it as we haven't had a lot of feedback yet. This is proper Full SBS output rather than the 'trick' to adjust the pixel ratio (which really results in half resolution output).
Thanks a lot, Sam. I hope i find time to get to that by mid August, will ping you then!
(2024-07-23, 17:22)hdmkv Wrote: AV1 is a nice to have. I have several YouTube downloaded live performances & music videos that don't play on AM6B+. I

As a nice to have sure, obviously. It's just that you can still download H264 stuff today. So I imagine VP9 will remain available for a long time, as an option, if not H264. But. again, I agree it would be nice to have.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2024-07-25, 07:04)te36 Wrote:
(2024-07-24, 20:01)Sam.Nazarko Wrote: We have implemented 3D FSBS now and I can send a test build your way for Vero 4K / 4K + or V if you would like to try it as we haven't had a lot of feedback yet. This is proper Full SBS output rather than the 'trick' to adjust the pixel ratio (which really results in half resolution output).
Thanks a lot, Sam. I hope i find time to get to that by mid August, will ping you then!

Should be in a stable release by then
I find it interesting. Coreelec implements FSBS and then the Vero follows.

As you know Sam, the patches that you sent were incomplete and based on an ancient version of Kodi. The Coreelec team had to write much of the code from scratch.

Also, it already works on 5.15. The reason it does not work on higher versions is that support for 3D has been crippled in the HDMI driver in higher version.

I really am looking forwards to you posting your code openly on Github.
For reference, CoreELEC supports 3D encoded in MVC/Framepacked, FTAB, HTAB, FSBS, and HSBS. Playback is supported for ISO, BDMV, mkv, and mk3d.
Quote:I find it interesting. Coreelec implements FSBS and then the Vero follows.
We started the work on FSBS some time ago. There was not much demand for it until recently as the main feature users want (as I am sure you have discovered) is FP output.
Quote:I really am looking forwards to you posting your code openly on Github.
All of our kernel and Kodi code is pushed to GitHub whenever a build is released Smile
Quote:As you know Sam, the patches that you sent were incomplete and based on an ancient version of Kodi.
The patches that we provided to you were for the latest version of Kodi at the time they were requested. We didn't hear from Raybuntu for any newer set of patches since summer of 2020.
(2024-07-26, 21:59)Sam.Nazarko Wrote: The patches that we provided to you were for the latest version of Kodi at the time they were requested. We didn't hear from Raybuntu for any newer set of patches since summer of 2020.

I like how you are careful with your words. While it is true that Raybuntu did not request a newer set of patches, another member did and the response they received was that the OSMC was afraid that having CoreELEC support 3D would cannibalize its sales so it would not provide patches.

However, in all fairness to you, I invite you to publicly provide patches here and link to the github commits which I'm having trouble finding.
I have the utmost respect for @Sam.Nazarko and @coreelec I have used and love both of your teams work,
but please guys take this argument to a more appropriate thread, this one is for users to talk about hardware for their Kodi use cases.
In fairness to @stammie and other readers I will try to be brief. At OSMC we have always worked well with other open source projects including Team Kodi, LibreELEC and the Raspberry Pi Foundation. It’s puzzling why it’s only CoreELEC that can’t seem to get comfortable with such cooperation.

Regarding 3D, we provided the link to our source code to @reeloftime (aka xmlcom on your forum) in this forum within 2 hours of his request [1]. Competition for 3D support is not 'canibalising' sales and I never said so.

Furthermore, one of your developers and users is asking us for help in implementing DV passthrough on additional devices [2]. Our developers (myself included) are trying to help.
Quote:However, in all fairness to you, I invite you to publicly provide patches here and link to the github commits which I'm having trouble finding.
If you cannot find any public source code then you are not looking where we have repeatedly told you it exists on GitHub. To claim we are hiding it isn't true and derogatory and we can see that you have managed to find the necessary 3D patches as you have included them in CE [3].

Our sources are always published, even for test builds, which sadly was not the case when you were bringing up and testing your 5.15 kernel [4], for example (contrary to the GPL).

To keep it short, I will not bore readers with more detail on these points or respond to the withering comments you made on your forum on our DV support which were untrue. Users must decide for themselves which device and software works best for them.

(2024-07-27, 16:00)stammie Wrote: I have the utmost respect for @Sam.Nazarko and @coreelec I have used and love both of your teams work,
but please guys take this argument to a more appropriate thread, this one is for users to talk about hardware for their Kodi use cases.
Same here, respect. Let's not get this thread locked 😰.
[H]i-[d]eft [M]edia [K]een [V]ideosaurus
(2024-07-27, 23:00)hdmkv Wrote:
(2024-07-27, 16:00)stammie Wrote: I have the utmost respect for @Sam.Nazarko and @coreelec I have used and love both of your teams work,
but please guys take this argument to a more appropriate thread, this one is for users to talk about hardware for their Kodi use cases.
Same here, respect. Let's not get this thread locked 😰.

Quite, but facts are important. I made the necessary response as brief as possible.

I think I speak for everyone when I say we all thank you for tirelessly maintaining a thread advising users of their hardware options for running Kodi in the most optimal way for their setup and needs.

(2024-07-24, 20:01)Sam.Nazarko Wrote: We have implemented 3D FSBS now and I can send a test build your way for Vero 4K / 4K + or V if you would like to try it as we haven't had a lot of feedback yet. This is proper Full SBS output rather than the 'trick' to adjust the pixel ratio (which really results in half resolution output).

Is this 3D FSBS files output as full-resolution frame-packed 3D over HDMI? (i.e. using the same output mode as decoded Full HD MVC would be output as usually)
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