iOS How does Kodi perform the return operation in iPad?
How does Kodi perform the return operation? I use an iPad, and as everyone knows, there is no return button. Every time I enter the settings interface of Kodi or similar, I cannot return to the main interface, and I can only exit and re-enter. How to return on iPad?
(2024-09-25, 16:14)yelan111 Wrote: How does Kodi perform the return operation? I use an iPad, and as everyone knows, there is no return button. Every time I enter the settings interface of Kodi or similar, I cannot return to the main interface, and I can only exit and re-enter. How to return on iPad?
What skin are you using? What happens when u press the text "settings/ interface" in the top left corner?
swipe with 2 fingers to go back

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How does Kodi perform the return operation in iPad?0