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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
Hi @tiben20 and thank you for your work (please feel free to share a donations/contributions link).
As explained by @gaspimp the network is completely broken with DSPlayer. One thing to consider would be to rather work on stable releases of kodi (21.x and once launched 22.x) to avoid bugs and patches of the nightly builds. Also you could use new minor versions to update the upstream libraries and software used in DSPlayer. For example mpc video renderer can now play dolby vision profile 7 which is huge (
) and I don't know if you use that renderer but it would make sense to keep Kodi stable enough and update other upstream library as your release cycle.
(2024-09-09, 15:42)tiben20 Wrote: dont worry will work on it. I plan to have a fully working version of dsplayer with the source of kodi 22.0 final version
Looking forward to this. Question - Would it also allow the use of mpv/libplacebo within Kodi? EDIT: Just read through a few pages, looks like that's a yes. 🤓🤙
My Theater: JVC X790R + Peerless PRG-UNV | 120" CineWhite UHD-B Screen | KODI Omega + PreShow Experience | mpv | madVR RTX 2070S | Panasonic UB420 | Denon X3600H @ 5.2.4 | 4 x ADX Maximus w/ Dayton Audio SA230 | 3 x Totem Tribe LCR + Mission M30 Surrounds + SVS PC2000 + Monolith 15 | 40" HDTV w/ MeLE N5105 + MoviePosterApp | 40TB Win10 SMB Server over Gigabit Ethernet
(2024-09-10, 13:33)leamsid Wrote: Hi @tiben20 and thank you for your work (please feel free to share a donations/contributions link).
As explained by @gaspimp the network is completely broken with DSPlayer. One thing to consider would be to rather work on stable releases of kodi (21.x and once launched 22.x) to avoid bugs and patches of the nightly builds. Also you could use new minor versions to update the upstream libraries and software used in DSPlayer. For example mpc video renderer can now play dolby vision profile 7 which is huge (
) and I don't know if you use that renderer but it would make sense to keep Kodi stable enough and update other upstream library as your release cycle.
Its a part of what im waiting the last update to their official release so i can only rebase to source one time. I know how the basics of how git work. But when it come to merging source i always do errors so if i can do it one time its going to be easier to fix bugs afterwards.
For the rendering i left how madvr was working before.
The second renderer we were using the evr instead of fixing the 5000 compile errors in it. I stripped mpc video renderer to just what i need to handle hdr like mpc does. The integrated shaders i only use the one that turn the nv12 format which is 2 planes into rgb8 or nv21 into rgb10. For the scaling i decided to go for libplacebo. I would have used libplacebo for merging the planes but for a reason i dont know i do not get the color conversion correctly if its in 2 planes so i only feed the rgb8 or rgb10 to libplacebo which does all the scaling needed. The subtitles i used what nevcairel did a long time ago converted the d3d9 to d3d11 this part was easy because im the one who written the d3d11 subtitles for mpc video renderer. Of course it would be easier to just update a filter but the integration for video renderers in kodi is not straight forward. You have to keep the syncronisation, subtitle rendering and timing on kodi sides.
When i will start again working on it i will focus on completing everything but the second video renderer since its the complexe and long part of the project. 

For the midnightwatcher question. libplacebo will be used not sure how i will end up writing the part for the configuration of it. Not that its complex just not decided yet. Using the gui for configuring it would make it too heavy. For mpv i know you can use custom  mpv script within libplacebo its the only part that will be supported.
Thank you for your explanation. I think that's a good idea to start merging on an official release. Then you can follow the release cycle for updates.
So you're mainly using libplacebo (scaling and filters...) and mpc video renderer only for HDR/dolby vision. If that's correct please update mpc video renderer to the last version as it handles dolby vision profile 7 way better (it's the only renderer to do so). Regardng libplacebo configuration maybe keep some in the kodi gui (like the 5-10 most important ones) and leave the possibility to add a script in a directory with a toggle to enable advanced configuration in gui.
(2024-09-21, 10:18)leamsid Wrote: Thank you for your explanation. I think that's a good idea to start merging on an official release. Then you can follow the release cycle for updates.
So you're mainly using libplacebo (scaling and filters...) and mpc video renderer only for HDR/dolby vision. If that's correct please update mpc video renderer to the last version as it handles dolby vision profile 7 way better (it's the only renderer to do so). Regardng libplacebo configuration maybe keep some in the kodi gui (like the 5-10 most important ones) and leave the possibility to add a script in a directory with a toggle to enabadvanced configuration in gui.
libplacebo will only have 1 option in the gui and its the preset settings that libplacebo offer which are default, performance or high quality. Everything else will be configurable in another way like you said script probably.

You need to understand i took a part of the code of mpcvideorenderer but its changed at over 70% to fit with kodi. The part where they work with hdr representation is almost the same and is not hard to change it if they find a bug or find something new on their side.
I tested every video on the dolby website https://developer.dolby.com/tools-media/...n-streams/ and they worked like mpcvideorenderer within kodi with my version of the renderer. I tested with mplayer, mpv, madvr and videolan and the result was only correct in and mpcvideorenderer. Especially the profile 8 the red glowing colors in the videos were appearing pink in my test outside kodi.
If you can also add a button to add the libplacebo script in the gui that would be awesome. Then there will be two options in the gui for libplacebo : 1) preset settings and 2) add a libplacebo setting script

I tested mpc videorenderer and the last version 0.8.5 corrected several things in HDR and Dolby Vision handling, especially DV Profile 7. I don't know which version you used (0.8.1 or 0.8.3) assume but if you can update the HDR part of your modified version with their last version (0.8.5) that would be great. I compared your version of Kodi DSP Player with MPC-BE and it was the same except for Dolby Vision profile 7. 
PS: You can check Dolby Vision handling with files here (especially in folder FEL TEST > Minion Rise of Gru) and here
Just wanted to thanks for the effort in this I'm really looking forward to this release
Hi everyone and thanks for the huge work ! 
Did you know if there is a way to passtrhough Dolby vision ? My amp (sony TA1000N) and tv (Philips oled 805) are both dolby vision compatible, but I always end up with HDR10. Did I miss a configuration ? I'm new with filters btw. 

Thanks Smile
(2024-10-03, 12:49)Nexius Wrote: Did you know if there is a way to passtrhough Dolby vision ? My amp (sony TA1000N) and tv (Philips oled 805) are both dolby vision compatible, but I always end up with HDR10. Did I miss a configuration ?
There currently isn't. Best you can achieve is tone mapping DV to HDR10. I have yet to investigate details, but components chosen for this build should be able to do it in the future.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
Hey, you mean use the MPC video render and check the Prefer Dolby Vision over PQ and HLG ? I've tested and the tone-mapping is slighty different from a true Dolby Vision
(2024-10-07, 18:21)Nexius Wrote: Hey, you mean use the MPC video render and check the Prefer Dolby Vision over PQ and HLG ? I've tested and the tone-mapping is slighty different from a true Dolby Vision

That's the best you can achieve at the moment, AFAIK.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
@tiben20 any news on development?
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
(2024-11-01, 17:54)ashlar Wrote: @tiben20 any news on development?

waiting on version v22
ps:but since i dont know when it is i might start before
@tiben20 when I playback a movie of resolution 1920x800, MadVR scales it to the native resolution of the screen (1920x1080), it gets stretched. The same movie with MPC-HC/MadVR plays fine. I assume this is because playback via dsplayer is "stretched to window" while it is "touch window from inside" via MPC-HC. Is there an option to change that?

playback via dsplayer
playback via mpc-hc
I have the exact same problem.
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