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[New Feature] Movie version
(2024-07-25, 05:41)Mavii Wrote: Am I missing something?
Automatic artwork has not been added yet.
OK. Good to know. Is this just for Extras or is it Versions as well.

Is it safe to assume it's on the list for future development? Also, is there a list somewhere of future planned enhancements and bugs that I can look at? Can people vote on future development features?
(2023-10-11, 23:53)XODIDOX Wrote: I've redesigned this feature, it's now named "Video Versions". And with the solid base of it, I've added the video extras support to Kodi natively (for movie only currently, but it's also possible for TV Shows/Music Videos, etc.).

Is there any work done or consideration given to adding the "version" feature to TV Shows? Don't know if it would be a "low hanging fruit" given the already done work or if it would be a major overhaul, so be kind in your answers. I respect all the work done on Kodi by devs, as usual.

(not asking XODIDOX, I know he left, unfortunately)
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Extras artwork is not scanned iirc.
The fix for the apostrophe has been in v22 since July.
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I've got a question regarding implementation of Extras for TV Shows in order to confirm what I'm seeing is how Kodi is supposed to operate or if something is amiss.  This is using the latest Omega nightly, KodiSetup-20241028-2b2d09e2-Omega-x64.  Also, the folder setup is per the Extra's add-on wiki example:
...\iZombie (2015)
...\iZombie (2015)\Extras\
...\iZombie (2015)\Season 1\iZombie (2015) S01E01
...\iZombie (2015)\Season 2\iZombie (2015) S02E01
  1. Without the Extra's add-on there is no way to get to Extras for TV Shows.  This is because without the add-on enabled there isn't a context menu option for Extras and there's no 'versions' pop-up, like with Movies, which has the Extras menu button on it.
  2. With the Extra's add-on enabled there is a context menu option for Extras for TV Shows.
  3. Regardless of whether the Extra's add-on is used or not, the 'Information' context menu option for TV shows doesn't have an 'Extras' button along the bottom, like Movies 'Information' context menu option.
  4. Regardless of whether the Extra's add-on is used or not, the TV show tile view never shows the little star icon on the bottom left that indicates 'extras' are available, as is used for Movies.  The TV show tile will display the 'x / y' with the little eye in the bottom right, showing how many of the shows have been watched.
Is what I'm seeing the correct functionality for Kodi Omega with TV shows with Extras?  Thanks.
(2024-11-01, 01:35)zoopere Wrote: Without the Extra's add-on there is no way to get to Extras for TV Shows. 
Correct. The native version of Video Versions and Video Extras has not been implemented for TV Shows yet.

(2024-11-01, 01:35)zoopere Wrote: With the Extra's add-on enabled there is a context menu option for Extras for TV Shows.
Yes, you need to use the Add-On version of Extras for TV Shows. It won't interfere with the native implementation.

(2024-11-01, 01:35)zoopere Wrote: Information' context menu option for TV shows doesn't have an 'Extras' button along the bottom, like Movies 'Information' context menu option.
That is part of the new Video Extras. It has not been implemented for TV Shows yet. You still need to use the Context Menu entry for the Add-on version.

(2024-11-01, 01:35)zoopere Wrote: the TV show tile view never shows the little star icon on the bottom left that indicates 'extras' are available, as is used for Movies
Because it has not been implemented for TV Shows yet as explained above.
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Hello everyone,

I do have some questions regarding the new native Extras Feature. Sorry if this has been explained before, I seem to be confused...

I don't want to clutter my database with extras being treated as movies. So before I mess things up maybe someone can explain this to me...

So far none of my Extras seem to be recoognized. I have the 'Ignore video extras on scan' option set to 'Disabled'. And (for a long time now already) have excluded extras in my advancedsettings.xml.

First Question: I do not really understand the new Options in the GUI; the naming and description seem twisted and overly complicated. From what I understand:
Setting 'Ignore video extras on scan' to 'Enabled' does actually NOT ignore videos in Extras-folder but scan them as movies; while setting it to 'Disabled' will treat them as Extras.? Wouldn't it be a easier and less confusing to simply name the option something like 'Treat Extras as movies'...?...
And shouldn't my Extras being scanned as Extras in a database refresh with this setting Disabled?

Second Question: Does having excluded extras in the advancedsettings.xml prevent scanning them altogether, regardless of the GUI option? That would explain why none of my extras are scanned. Or will it only apply with 'Ignore video extras on scan' set to Enabled (as kind of a failsafe if set to 'Disabled' ind the GUI by mistake, to prevent involuntary database cluttering) while still allowing videos in 'Extras'-folder to be scanned as Extras?. That would seem much more preferrable to me but so far it does not seem to be the case...

Or do I misunderstand something completely here?
Hello Hitcher,

I've read the Wiki. Still I don't really understand.
Is the <excludefromscan> 'extras' -enty in my advancedsettings.xml preventing all scanning of extras, even the scanning into the specific Extras database?
1/ yes the setting name is confusing, its description is not. it will be changed at some point or even removed once this is not considered experimental anymore.
2/ no the typical exclude advanced settings for extras do not get in the way. Alternatively exclusions are not needed when recursive scanning is disabled.

That said, the setting to create extras takes effect only on new additions to the library. There is no automatic refresh of the movies already in the library when changing the setting.
Changes to the movie directories would cause a refresh in the next scan and nothing bad will happen if the videos in the extras directory don't exist in the library (exclusion in place or no recursion).
However if some extras were listed as movies in the library, there will be a mess (unhandled situation - worth a fix)
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Hello CrystalP,

thanks for your answer. So far I have not experienced extras listed as movies, that's precisely what I want to avoid. This is the reason why I ask here instead of just experimenting.

Thanks for clearing up the issue of the advanced settings exclude setting. This brought to my mind - what about a .nomedia file? Will the presence of this file in an Extras folder still allow scanning of the folder's content into extras? Or will it prevent any scanning altogether?
I suggest you to try anything you want with a portable install (assuming Windows) to avoid disturbing your main setup, and a new source folder with just a few movies.
Behavior with .nomedia was incomplete in v21 (though not absent) and improved in v22.
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Is it possible to use these features with Jellyfin (in Add-on mode)?
(2024-12-05, 08:58)olevelo Wrote: Is it possible to use these features with Jellyfin (in Add-on mode)?
You tell us... I don't use Jellyfin and most Kodi users don't.
(2024-12-05, 08:58)olevelo Wrote: Is it possible to use these features with Jellyfin (in Add-on mode)?

if you want any answers regarding jellyfin ask on their forum https://forum.jellyfin.org/
if this works it would be a result of effort of the jellyfin for kodi addon developer's part, not on kodi's part

i have jellyfin but i have intentionally kept my version back predating this feature because it broke because of this feature but that was back in January so not even i could give an answer
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