FDJ.HD is it dead?
Is the FDJ.HD add on dead? I can't find any new versions in the repo does it only work in older kodi Leia & krypton? It seems no one has any info. That was a great addon if you are a classic music fan.
official thread https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=334505
official github from official thread https://github.com/frenchdj/repository.frenchdj

from the official github as of last year it has removed FDJ.HD 2.6 but has added plugin.video.fdj.hd.p3 (p3 being python3) with a version 3.1

so with 2 minutes of google i found that it looks like it was updated last year to a completely new addon for python 3, which is what would be required for newer kodi versions
does that version work for you? did you try?
Yes that is what I found also, it opens to nothing though It show the splash screen and then open but nothing inside the menu. There is some group on Facebook posting a different repo- kodifitz/ it install vop but the FDJ.HD isn't in it. Strange. I was connected to the dude on Twitter that was part of the French DJ repo but his Twitter acount is gone. Shame. I will try uninstall/ reinstall but I think the French repo is done. But just looking for confirmation. Thank you

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FDJ.HD is it dead?0