Notification on mark as (un)watched.
What is te best way to monitor user (custom-menu) action "mark as watched" / "mark as unwatched"?

There is no any notification on xbmc.Monitor.onNotification(). I grep code for ANNOUNCEMENT.
Unless I set fake DBID, ex. setDBID(999_000_000). I got VideoLibrary.OnUpdate with "id": 999000000.
It's a little creepy.

Kodi ignores incorrect DBID, same addons not.

How to catch "mark as (un)watched" (changes in bookmark table)?
Not 100% sure what you mean but maybe this will help:
VideoLibrary.OnUpdate is called only if DBID is set (when the video is in the library).
I want to know when user set watched or unwatched on custom video directory (with plugin://... links).

BTW. I know it's not right place but I notice xmbx.Playlist()__getitem__() is missing in KodiStubs.

P.S. Happy New Year, I hope the war will end and your voice will be heard.

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Notification on mark as (un)watched.0