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RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Nexus)
Can you provide more details? What platform are you running on? Which shader are you using? Does it happen with all shaders? In theory simple scaling shaders work on separate frames so there is no reason for such behavior. More advanced shaders like CRT simulation may produce described behavior (some might be shader specific, some might be caused by the limited shader support in RP).
Sorry, not had time to properly put together a fully tested response but I'm using one of the libreelec images which is slightly outdated now on a wyse 5070 thin client and I can only say for certain if affected all the crt style shaders, didn't test the lcd type ones when I last had time to check. Hopefully I'll have time in the next week or so to update to latest test image and I'll check behaviour on all included shaders.

On further testing I get the following shaders not working in some form or another:
CRT Geom - Flickering sprites not displayed correctly.
CRT glow lancoz - Screen is solid blue
CRT lottes multipass - Screen is solid black
CRT hylian - flickering sprites not displayed correctly
PAL - Screen is solid black.
AdvCartoon - Screen is solid black.
hello @garbear and thank you once again for your impresive work with retroplayer and sorry with the months that i have missed.

Since i use Ubuntu (xubuntu) and we lost the offical ppa and builds i,m trying to update retrolayer core to 21.1 version, test features and update scummvm. Nexts steps will be post clear info to any linux user build and make working new version. Smile
I finally have time for Kodi! I wanted it to be effective, so I created a donation page in the settings. Check it out! https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/26035

I've done a round of test builds, with all current Omega fixes, and including this new page for testing. https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases...1-20241203
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Another round of test builds! https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases...1-20241213

This time, I've taked over half the OpenGL code and upstreamed it: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/26091 . We're getting closer!
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Hi @garbear - I saw with your Game API 5.0 PR that you've made changes to the RA login process. Does this mean that when there's a build with this functionality released it'll end the failed login error that's present?
Great to see so much change getting pumped into this area again!
(2024-06-02, 11:05)KOPRajs Wrote: @garbear I've noticed, that unlike the other controller profiles the Genesis Team Player is kept on version 1.0.0 ever since the original merge:

Possibly it is missing from the automatic update script?

@garbear FYI: This is still the case.
(2024-12-16, 11:01)sunlollyking Wrote: Hi @garbear - I saw with your Game API 5.0 PR that you've made changes to the RA login process. Does this mean that when there's a build with this functionality released it'll end the failed login error that's present?
Great to see so much change getting pumped into this area again!

No, RA login is still broken.

(2024-12-24, 15:25)KOPRajs Wrote:
(2024-06-02, 11:05)KOPRajs Wrote: @garbear I've noticed, that unlike the other controller profiles the Genesis Team Player is kept on version 1.0.0 ever since the original merge:

Possibly it is missing from the automatic update script?

@garbear FYI: This is still the case.

I'll hunt down someone with weblate permissions and get them to add the add-on.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
I've added game.controller.atari800 and game.controller.genesis.teamplayer to Weblate, so they now have translations.

I also made some other various improvements, so I'm doing another round of builds: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases...1-20241226 . See the changelog, as always.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Very excited at the prospect of Opengl cores becoming functional, my current hardware can support a fair few of the emulators that rely on opengl that so far I've just decided to do without. Is there any hope the shader stuff will also make it into the next release of Kodi?
(2025-01-05, 22:30)OmniBlade Wrote: Very excited at the prospect of Opengl cores becoming functional, my current hardware can support a fair few of the emulators that rely on opengl that so far I've just decided to do without. Is there any hope the shader stuff will also make it into the next release of Kodi?

At this point, I see a PR for shaders against v22 as a better than 50/50 chance of happening. Actually merging for v22 is probably a little less than 50/50. The chances of merging go above 50/50 if we aim for just Windows at first, because the GL/GLES code isn't in great shape structurally (lots of ugly #ifdeffery and intermingling was required in the latest rebase).

In addition to completing the graphics details which @KOPRajs is working on, what it'll take is a big structural refactoring effort on my part, similar to what I did to get the OpenGL plumbing in shape to merge. That was enabled by me spending the entire month of December working on Kodi. Now, winter break is winding down, and I'm back to work on Monday. I try to spend 1 or 2 entire months doing deep Kodi work each year, so my schedule more than anything will determine whether the PR goes up before v22 hits feature freeze (probably 3-6 months away).
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Question: Will there be RK3399 builds?
(2025-01-06, 20:34)Greydesk Wrote: Question: Will there be RK3399 builds?

Which flavor do you want? LE 12 supports:
  • 96rocks ROCK960
  • FriendlyARM NanoPC-T4
  • FriendlyARM NanoPi M4
  • Hugsun X99 TV BOX
  • Khadas Edge
  • Orange Pi RK3399
  • PINE64 RockPro64
  • ROC RK3399 PC
  • ROC RK3399 PC Plus
  • Radxa ROCK Pi 4
  • Radxa ROCK Pi 4A Plus
  • Radxa ROCK Pi 4B Plus
  • Radxa ROCK Pi N10
  • Rockchip Sapphire Board
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Hello all! New rounds of builds went up 3 days ago, fixing the "browsing ZIP files in My Games" bug.

We have a request for testing with some urgency, as v21.2 is going out imminently. It's a "speak now or forever hold your peace" moment, possibly for 6-12 months until the next Kodi release.

Builds are here: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases...1-20250104

But I think we're in a pretty good place for the v21.2 release!
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
I'm looking for a Radxa Rock Pi 4. It might be an A version. I'll have to look.
I did install the 24-08-24 version and it doesn't output audio over HDMI.

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