trying to copy ratings from video info to fanart view
i have been playing around with fanart view, since it is my favorite view, a little bit and there is just one more thing i'd like to change to make it perfect for me and i just cannot figure out how to do it.

as shown in the image below i am trying to bring the ratings from the video info page to the fanart page
it's about these ratings


and i have partially succeeded. i copied the xml from the videoinfo to the fanart view and the endresult is this


now the problem is in the fanart view it only shows one rating, the main rating. as you can see in the image above the imdb top 250 is carried over but not the second or third rating from TMDB metacritic etc. now the funny thing is if i play the movie for a while until an "in progress overlay" shows up or edit the metadata with the metadata editor all of a sudden all of the ratings show up as you can see in the image below.


but as soon as i leave the movie directory or go "home" and then back there is again only one rating there....

this is the script i copied from the videoinfo xml

 <!-- Ratings bar for local content -->        
        <control type="grouplist" description="Ratings">
            <control type="grouplist" description="IMDb Rating or Main Rating">
                <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Rating(imdb)) + Skin.HasSetting(ShowRatingIMDb)</visible>
                <control type="image" description="IMDb logo">
                <control type="label" description="IMDb Rating and Votes">
                    <label>$INFO[ListItem.Rating(imdb)]$INFO[ListItem.Votes(imdb), (, $LOCALIZE[205])]</label>
                    <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Rating(imdb)) + Skin.HasSetting(ShowRatingIMDb)</visible>
            <control type="grouplist" description="IMDb Top 250 rank">
                <control type="label" description="IMDb Top 250">
            <control type="grouplist" description="RT Critics rating">
                <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Rating(tomatometerallcritics)) + Skin.HasSetting(ShowRatingRT)</visible>
                <control type="image">
                <control type="label">
            <control type="grouplist" description="RT Audience rating">
                <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Rating(tomatometerallaudience)) + Skin.HasSetting(ShowRatingRT)</visible>
                <control type="image">
                <control type="label">
            <control type="grouplist" description="Metacritic rating">
                <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Rating(metacritic)) + Skin.HasSetting(ShowRatingMC)</visible>
                <control type="image">
                <control type="label">
            <control type="grouplist" description="TMDB rating">
                <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Rating(themoviedb)) + Skin.HasSetting(ShowRatingTMDb)</visible>
                <control type="image" description="TMDB logo">
                <control type="label" description="TMDB Rating">
            <control type="grouplist" description="TVDB rating and votes">
                <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Rating(tvdb)) + Skin.HasSetting(ShowRatingTVDB)</visible>
                <control type="image" description="TVDB logo">
                <control type="label" description="TVDB Rating">
                    <label>$INFO[ListItem.Rating(tvdb)]$INFO[ListItem.Votes(tvdb), (, $LOCALIZE[205])]</label>
            <control type="grouplist" description="Trakt rating">
                <control type="image" description="Trakt logo">
                <control type="label" description="Trakt Rating">
            <control type="grouplist" description="User rating">
                <visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.UserRating) + Skin.HasSetting(ShowRatingUserVideoInfo)</visible>
                <control type="image" description="User Rating logo">
                <control type="label" description="User Rating">
            <control type="grouplist" description="Awards">
                <visible>[!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Oscar_Wins)) + !String.IsEqual(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Oscar_Wins),N/A)] |
                         [!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.GoldenGlobe_Wins)) + !String.IsEqual(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.GoldenGlobe_Wins),N/A)]</visible>
                <control type="image" description="Oscars logo">
                    <visible>[!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Oscar_Wins)) + !String.IsEqual(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Oscar_Wins),N/A)]</visible>
                <control type="label" description="Oscar wins">
                    <visible>[!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Oscar_Wins)) + !String.IsEqual(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.Oscar_Wins),N/A)]</visible>
                <control type="image" description="Golden Globes logo">
                    <visible>[!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.GoldenGlobe_Wins)) + !String.IsEqual(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.GoldenGlobe_Wins),N/A)]</visible>
                <control type="label" description="Golden Globe wins">
                    <visible>[!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.GoldenGlobe_Wins)) + !String.IsEqual(Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.ListItem.GoldenGlobe_Wins),N/A)]</visible>
i know it says "IMDb Rating or Main Rating" in the description but that's only the description. changing it changes nothing

can anybody make sense of this who is more versed in xml than i am?
still looking for a solution to this? maybe i did not copy any necessary lines? 

maybe somebody knows? thanks

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trying to copy ratings from video info to fanart view0