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slicemaster Wrote:so is this ever going to get fixed or can we consider that this piece of software is dead (abandon ware)?

Most probably this kind of unpatient behaviour is one reason why people who are willing to develop something for you for free get bored and abandon projects.

If none of us changed anything and TV scraping stopped to work, than obviously something has happened on the API side (if the site is available doesn't mean automatically that the API has not changed. Why the f*ck do you think that billyad2000 should react that kind of changes within a few hoursHuh Maybe he was with his family on the weekend or whatever!

...or did you payed a fortune to him for high availability?

Also he stated earlier, that he is going to release the code when he feel everything is done, what he wanted to include.
billyad2000 Wrote:For those who are having issues with media companion I would just like to remind you that it has its own forum, this thread is huge and to be honest is very difficult to keep track of.
The forum is located here : http://billyad2000.darkbb.com/forum.htm, and has seperate forums for bugs, feature requests, discussion etc, anyone is more than welcome to join us.

Just a reminder for everyone... I'm tired of seeing people complaining.
olympia Wrote:Most probably this kind of unpatient behaviour is one reason why people who are willing to develop something for you for free get bored and abandon projects.

If none of us changed anything and TV scraping stopped to work, than obviously something has happened on the API side (if the site is available doesn't mean automatically that the API has not changed. Why the f*ck do you think that billyad2000 should react that kind of changes within a few hoursHuh Maybe he was with his family on the weekend or whatever!

...or did you payed a fortune to him for high availability?

Also he stated earlier, that he is going to release the code when he feel everything is done, what he wanted to include.

no reason to fly off your hinges dude. take a chill pill. i was just trying to get some answers where none seem to be found, and a new version of the software has not been released in a long time. i was simply wondering what was wrong with the software since evidently i am not the only one having problems with TV scraping. either way i would be more than happy to donate to the dev if he were to fix the problem asap.

slicemaster Wrote:no reason to fly off your hinges dude. take a chill pill. i was just trying to get some answers where none seem to be found, and a new version of the software has not been released in a long time.

You call 16 days a long time?!?!? Olympia was right in what he said. People have lives that sometimes get in the way of these things. It is you who needs 'take a chill pill' and get off BillyAD's back. Inquiring about the problem is fine, but making smart ass comments like asking if the software is dead when a new version was released 16 days ago is sarcastic and condescending. If you're so unhappy with MC then go try out Media Info Plus or something. You have other alternatives if this isn't suiting you.
If you checked the MC forum you'd see others have the same problem (as do I) and it appears to be the TVdb causing it.
Hello everyone, i'm sorry about the lack of communication over the last couple of weeks, but I have been extremely busy.

Just to make things clear, Media Companion is not dead, it is however going through a major transition.

After I uploaded the last version and started getting reports of different bugs and issues, I started the usual process of trying to track them down to fix them. It was during this process that I realised that that the code was becoming impossible to maintain. Constant additions, changes, and tweaks have made it extremely difficult to track down bugs, in addition to that every time I added another feature things got even more complicated, making the next change even more difficult.
What was the cause of these issues. Many of my difficulties were caused simply by bad coding, out of date knowledge, inexperience, and trying to use procedural programming techniques to create an increasingly complicated program all added up to the problem and I decided that it was time to fix it, not simply tweak it or shuffle things around, but to really fix it.

Over the last year I have learnt a great deal about programming, I have read extensively, I have spent a lot of time talking to people, who for the most part have been very helpful, and I must have spent 100s of hours browsing other peoples code, and I would not like to say how much time I spent looking for solutions online, all the time, learning what I was doing wrong.

The process of fixing MC has turned out to be far more complicated than I believed would be possible. By going back to basics, and programming a more logical, object based program core, I in effect broke most of the function of the program. To be honest I was greatly tempted to say stuff it and just keep on trying to work with what I had, but knowing what I know now, I'm not the sort of person who could settle for knowing that I could have done it so much better.

The bottom line is this, it will likely be quite a while before an update does become available, I would make an estimate of between 2-4 weeks for the next build, but I would very much doubt that this would include all current functionality, though I will make sure that all major functions are working properly. I am leaving the current interface unchanged since, despite the negative comments of some towards it, I feel that it is fairly intitive, and many people do seem to be comfortable with it.
Once I am happy that the basics are working as expected then I will be working through the disabled functions, adding them one at a time, I don't expect this to be a lengthy process, but I do feel that it is neccesary.

I do apologise for the delay that this is causing, especially taking into account the serious issues that some people are experiencing at the moment, but I feel that 6 weeks now will be time well spent when it comes to taking MC further.

Just as a side comment since I read mention of abandonware, at the moment, I am quite happy with my role in creating MC, at times it is a chore, but for the most part it has been a positive learning experience and I am not finnished yet. If this was ever to change then you can be assured that the entire source code would be made available to anybody that asked.
IN this case Billyad, the problem rendering MC unueable (because it isn't functioning) seems to either be a change int he TVDB format and API or a temporary problem at TVDB. Not anything in the code bud.

But I understand what your saying.
I've just had a look at the TVDB API and have found the problem, it is an issue that will not occur anymore using the newer methods i'm in the process of implementing, however in the meantime I am fixing an older backup so that at least the tv scraper works, the version I am using is somewhere between 2.209 and 2.220 so some of the newer features are missing, but at least you will have the basics back.

I'll upload this at some point tomorrow (Today actually (Tuesday)) it is later than I thought
billyad2000 Wrote:I've just had a look at the TVDB API and have found the problem, it is an issue that will not occur anymore using the newer methods i'm in the process of implementing, however in the meantime I am fixing an older backup so that at least the tv scraper works, the version I am using is somewhere between 2.209 and 2.220 so some of the newer features are missing, but at least you will have the basics back.

I'll upload this at some point tomorrow (Today actually (Tuesday)) it is later than I thought

Thanks a lot Billy!!
New Version 2.290

As many of you will likely be aware I have actually had to roll back to version 2.209 for core of this version. I have named it 2.290 for the sake of chronology, earlier versions will no longer work with TVDB

I have been busy all day adding what I considered to be the most important features that have been added since 2.209 and I think i've got most of them.

HD Tags is available
Movie Scraper Wizard
Missing TV Episode Thumbnail Search, as well as one or two other things.

One or two bugs should also be elimenated aswell this obviously includes the issue with TV Shows and episodes

Fanart and Posters should be correctly named, it should be noted that if you change your preferences to a different naming scheme then MC will continue to save posters and fanart with the old scheme if the files exist with the old scheme. If movie.nfo is used for a movie then the image files for that movie must be called fanart.jpg and movie.tbn, other than that one exception MC will see any other combination of all naming conventions.

As I said in the post yesterday, this trunk of MC is largely at an end now. I will spend some time fixing bugs as neccesary, but most of my time will be on the new development.

Download Version 2.290

Please report bugs with as much detail as possible.
New Version 2.291

Fix for encoding error on shutdown in version 2.290

Download Version 2.291

Please report bugs with as much detail as possible.
Thank you so much for this fix. Unfortunately I don't use anything but the basic features of the program so I don't often run into bugs. I do greatly appreciate this one for the TV fix though. It is one of my favorite programs. If I find any bug I will do my best to report all info about it.

Thanks again.

Awesome.. Wasn't expecting this for awhile.. Thank you for putting the time into this so quickly...

Don't know if it's just me, but so far the only thing I notice is the poster and fanart browsers come up with nothing for Tv shows.. For tvdb and imdb..

I was able to scan in my pile of episodes that have been sitting around nfoless though.. Smile
Thanks a lot for the fix!

Since you reverted to an older build the program still picks up x264 as an episode.

Thanks again!
Can I now use MC to ONLY tag for Bluray, 720p and DTS and that stuff for Aeon?

I DONT want it to handle my posters, or info or something at all?

ATM I use mixed .nfo's for some movies, and then only containing the title and then the url for IMDB after all the xml-stuff.

Is it possible to let MP to ONLY add .nfo with info about the "flags"?

And how do it get the flags? Is it possible to have MC to get them from both dirs and file-names?

Vero 4K with unRAID server and mysql (mariadb)
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Media Companion - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows7