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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET)
Well, I just tried disabling the use of the image cache altogether and that apparently solved the problem. I hope that's helpful in some way Huh

Sorry for all the trouble and thank you for the support.
Test build being sent via email now. Thanks for testing it.

rausch101 Wrote:Well, I just tried disabling the use of the image cache altogether and that apparently solved the problem. I hope that's helpful in some way Huh

Sorry for all the trouble and thank you for the support.

Yes, that's what I mentioned earlier... problem with caching. That's what I based the changes to the new version on (used different method to load/save images to/from cache). Also, as mentioned earlier, you may want to see if your disk is full.
Thumbs Up 
I just want to give a HUGE kudos to nul7 for putting in day to night work on this application. I've tried this along with the other two major XBMC media managers and it blows them away. I just did from scratch 500 movies using r422 and it failed to just find 6 movies (dont ask me how bad the other two apps did). My girlfriend loves the interface to and was having fun just clicking thru the movies....heh Big Grin

Just a big thanks....
uncertainty Wrote:I just want to give a HUGE kudos to nul7 for putting in day to day work on this application. I've tried this along with the other two major XBMC media managers and it blows them away. I just did from scratch 500 movies using r422 and it failed to just find 6 movies (dont ask me how bad the other two apps did). My girlfriend loves the interface to and was having fun just clicking thru the movies....heh Big Grin

Just a big thanks....

lol Thanks.... thanks to Nuno and olympia, too. Wink As a token of your appreciation, email phone number and pictures of your girlfriend to.... LOL j/k. :p
nul7 Wrote:Wink As a token of your appreciation, email phone number and pictures of your girlfriend to.... LOL j/k. :p

On its way...please remember I require royalty rights on all photos which could cause bankruptcy.....heh
Just a quick question or two.. Having issues with a lot of trailers not being found, How excatly does it search for trailers (not tmdb as i realise thats an tmdb - youtube thing) theres a lot in my collection missing trailers and i know for sure that some of these sites must have trailers.. such as knocked up, my bloody valentine, night.at.the.museum, the.uninvited, the.wrestler so on and so forth, its skipped about half the movies in my collection. So im thinking ive named them wrong or something, whats the best way to make sure they will be picked up and relevant trailer downloaded?

If everyone could start adding youtube trailers to TMDB that would be good to, im on a misson, 15 down so far.. it literally takes less than a minute to do each one.. come on guys!!
garvani Wrote:Just a quick question or two.. Having issues with a lot of trailers not being found, How excatly does it search for trailers (not tmdb as i realise thats an tmdb - youtube thing) theres a lot in my collection missing trailers and i know for sure that some of these sites must have trailers.. such as knocked up, my bloody valentine, night.at.the.museum, the.uninvited, the.wrestler so on and so forth, its skipped about half the movies in my collection. So im thinking ive named them wrong or something, whats the best way to make sure they will be picked up and relevant trailer downloaded?

In frustration ive started adding trailers (from youtube) to the tmdb site for movies that i have that dont currently have trailers. Problem is, EMM still isnt picking these up. How do i clear the trailers cache so it will refresh and see the new trailers. Tried clearing all cache but that isnt related to trailers by the look of it.

For every site aside from youtube/tmdb, they are scraped from the IMDB trailer page for the selected movie. The best thing you can do is add a youtube link (to the best quality trailer you can find) to the TMDB page for the movie.... that would benefit not only yourself, but other users as well. The problem with Ember not finding the trailer soon after you added it to the TMDB page is not a problem with Ember, but with the TMDB API. It is read off a cache that is only updated periodically. It may take a few days before the API is updated to what is actually on the page. I'm not sure if it has changed lately, but the last I read, the owner of TMDB actually runs the cache update manually, so it's up to him when the new additions with make it to the API.

EDIT: If you, or anyone else for that matter, have any suggestions for trailer sites that can be searched by IMDB ID, we would love to hear them.
Funny thing that because i started a trailer update for all missing trailers, went to tea and came back and it ahd finished, there wasnt a tick beside the trailers for the ones i had updated on tmdb with yourtube links so i assumed that it hadnt worked again as i had manually scraped the movie 5 minutes before hand and nothing came up in the "select a trailer" screen.

However, upon looking in the movies folders there was indeed a trailer in every folder that i had added youtube links for. Refreshed ember and hello there was a tick.. It usually would have refreshed itself after each trailer had downloaded but for some reason it hadnt this time..

So it looks like it is automatically being updated, or i just fluked that big time..

Have started adding trailers to tmdb if everyone else could do this too.
nul7 Wrote:Also, as mentioned earlier, you may want to see if your disk is full.

Didn't have anything to do with a full disk (200GB free). I thought the same thing when I saw the memory error. Problem solved though, so thanks.

Also, not sure if you still intended to send me a new version, but I didn't get an e-mail. Fine by me though since turning off image caching solved it. Just FYI.
Don't know if this applies to the issue I mentioned ... By default, I was under the impression I started with caching off; however, I've tested it with both options.

For the record, I too made it very clear in my post that I think Ember outshines all others -- not only from it's capabilities, but in it's very methodology and design paradigm. This has nothing to do with my point earlier, about not having to continue replying to the same questions / or the need for explicit questions to debug. And it certainly doesn't suggest that I feel the software is any less viable and to anyone whose read the forum, just about everyone here can appreciate the early stage of the app.

With that said, here are some quick suggestions (some of these may already be addressed) in the event you see benefit in them:

* Option for More verbose/finite logging (not only on-error). This is all the more important as you're seeing, where the app works perfectly for one person and doesn't for another. In this development stage, verbose logging will be well worth the upfront overhead to author.

* Feature Request. Probably the most intuitive feature I've noticed missing, is the inability to multi-select (Cntrl-A / Shift-Click / Cntrl-Click) and then either proceed with those movies selected, or mark those movies selected. Because you're already using the "Mark" paradigm, might as well stick with it, but multi-select should be enabled at least for purposes of marking multiple rows at a time.

* Minor Unexpected Behavior. When switching between line-items in the Movie-Metadata list (to choose the specific movie when multiples exist), the process (which appears to be async) is not terminated when the user clicks to a different line item. To the untrained user, this causes a bit of confusion as it appears the results are being rendered for the newly selected item (when they are not).

* False Matches that are not a result of the data provider. I noticed some strange behavior with roughly 1-in-20 movies, where the data provider was returning "exact matches" or preferred matches, yet Ember was not choosing them. I only ran the first 200 movies in my collection (since I'm forced to explicitly right-click each, at this early stage) -- but some movies, such as "Baby Momma" "Better Off Dead" "Bookies" "Edward Scissorhands" had exact matches, and yet Ember used alternatives or marked them as unavailable.
Have just updated 10 or so more tmdb pages with trailers.. and forced a rescan in emm, no joy.. i read on the api forum of tmdb that its refreshed every 4 hours? well i think thats what he was referring too. Thats not too bad.
rausch101 Wrote:Didn't have anything to do with a full disk (200GB free). I thought the same thing when I saw the memory error. Problem solved though, so thanks.

Also, not sure if you still intended to send me a new version, but I didn't get an e-mail. Fine by me though since turning off image caching solved it. Just FYI.

Grrr... not sure why I can't send attachments to some people. I uploaded to my server instead:


Note, due to changes in this version, a new flags folder (and accompaniments) is required. It's best to delete (or move) the current flags folder and replace with the one in the package. Also, studio tags are no longer supported in this version. You may experience some whackiness with the media flags unless you update the media info. But keep in mind, if you use a skin that supports studio tags instead of native media flagging, you will lose that functionality.

Also, this version should (hopefully) fix the problems people were experiencing with scrapers.

EDIT: If you decide to keep this version, you can delete mediainfo.dll from the bin folder as it is no longer needed.

rusten Wrote:Don't know if this applies to the issue I mentioned ... By default, I was under the impression I started with caching off; however, I've tested it with both options.

For the record, I too made it very clear in my post that I think Ember outshines all others -- not only from it's capabilities, but in it's very methodology and design paradigm. This has nothing to do with my point earlier, about not having to continue replying to the same questions / or the need for explicit questions to debug. And it certainly doesn't suggest that I feel the software is any less viable and to anyone whose read the forum, just about everyone here can appreciate the early stage of the app.

With that said, here are some quick suggestions (some of these may already be addressed) in the event you see benefit in them:

* Option for More verbose/finite logging (not only on-error). This is all the more important as you're seeing, where the app works perfectly for one person and doesn't for another. In this development stage, verbose logging will be well worth the upfront overhead to author.

Agreed.... might try to work this in as an option to the next release.

rusten Wrote:* Feature Request. Probably the most intuitive feature I've noticed missing, is the inability to multi-select (Cntrl-A / Shift-Click / Cntrl-Click) and then either proceed with those movies selected, or mark those movies selected. Because you're already using the "Mark" paradigm, might as well stick with it, but multi-select should be enabled at least for purposes of marking multiple rows at a time.

This is already on the feature request list. Might make it into the next release, but with limited functionality.

rusten Wrote:* Minor Unexpected Behavior. When switching between line-items in the Movie-Metadata list (to choose the specific movie when multiples exist), the process (which appears to be async) is not terminated when the user clicks to a different line item. To the untrained user, this causes a bit of confusion as it appears the results are being rendered for the newly selected item (when they are not).

It is canceled, but of course, you can't cancel loading of images while in mid process.... so it may appear that it's not.

rusten Wrote:* False Matches that are not a result of the data provider. I noticed some strange behavior with roughly 1-in-20 movies, where the data provider was returning "exact matches" or preferred matches, yet Ember was not choosing them. I only ran the first 200 movies in my collection (since I'm forced to explicitly right-click each, at this early stage) -- but some movies, such as "Baby Momma" "Better Off Dead" "Bookies" "Edward Scissorhands" had exact matches, and yet Ember used alternatives or marked them as unavailable.

Ember uses the first "popular match" as priority, as for 99% of the movies it is the best match. If there are not popular matches, it uses the first exact match.... if not exact matches it will use the first regular result in case of auto mode or will ask for the proper result in case of ask mode. Is this not the behavior you are seeing? If not, it may be a problem of your configuration, specifically the need for custom filters. Take "Baby Momma" for example... how does it appear, exactly, in the media list in Ember?

garvani Wrote:Have just updated 10 or so more tmdb pages with trailers.. and forced a rescan in emm, no joy.. i read on the api forum of tmdb that its refreshed every 4 hours? well i think thats what he was referring too. Thats not too bad.

Hmmm... must have updated his system finally then. lol If they still don't appear later, let me know what movies you added trailers for and I will check the api to see if they are available. If not, we know it's a delay with the API refreshing. If they are available in the API but not displaying in Ember, we'll know it's a problem in Ember.
One other query, not really related to EMM but related to the whole trailers thing. Just decided to delete my library (have downloaded a bunch of new trailers, cleaned up all my folders of useless tbn's, jpgs and nfos, i basically had one of everything so the folders were messy.. and re scraped all my nfo's, anyways!)
Im scanning in movies into the library and it hanging on any movie with a trailer, will sit there for a good 20-30 seconds, movies without trailers scan in a second or less. Never had this issue till i started on this trailer quest. Anyone else experiencing this or know why its happening?

Nul7 Will check soon and see if the trailers i updated to Tmdb are being pulled down

edit: Thought i had beaten it, got sick of waiting, quit out. Deleted my videos34 library file, and started rescanning, this time without the recursive option, it flew through the first lot, up until the file it was on when i quit out, now its pausing on all movies... hmmm

edit232: Oh no.. got really bored of waiting! enabled debugging and tried again, left it for a while, and then quit and looked at my logs.. hmmmmm.. xbmc seem to be downloading actor pics, which is slowing it righhhht down, i dont seem to recall asking it to do this, and it hasnt done it before, relevant pastebins.

Pastebin of xbmc debug log: http://pastebin.ca/1474118
Pastebin of edward scissorhands nfo: http://pastebin.ca/1474120
Can someone explain me step by step how to use this app to download trailers to the movies folders? Thanks a lot!
Awesome info, thank you. Some additional notes:

* Regarding cancelling while choosing a metadata option: on my side, if I move the cursor 1 second after it starts loading (which would appear to be before the image loads) it still loads the former selection. Maybe it would be good to switch the cursor state and disable input, only while the image is loading, so that it doesn't confuse people? Not my own personal concern, because I'm now aware of it -- just trying to help with a suggestion.

* Confidence Level (feature req) I wonder if it would be valuable to have a confidence level icon next to each matched movie. For exaple, if the exact (or best)-match and the popular-match are different, that would be a low confidence level icon next to that movie. This way, "Force (best match)" searches could give some level of feedback to the user, where to focus their efforts.

* Rename (feature req) I mentioned this earlier, but I think it was missed. Is there already a feature I'm missing, or that is already on the wishlist, to rename the movie when it's different than the match (and if there is, the confidence feature would be that much more valuable, IMHO). If this feature does exist, will it work with .ISO's?

* Ignore/Remove text Has there been any thought to a filter that removes text based on a resource-file (could be a simple comma-separated .txt list). For example: 720p,1080p,XVID,AVC,etc. Where these can be auto-removed from the file name and ignored in the search? Is so, we could start contributing/building the default list. If this feature does exist, it would be great to integrate with the full name-cleaning (removing underscores, proper-casing, etc) and renaming feature.

Also, a couple new "support" questions:
* What does "OFDB" stand for, OFFLINE database? If so, this would be used by Ember *only* when OFFLINE data exists, otherwise it would go out to an ONLINE movie database, is that right?

* Tools > Sort Into Folders -- will this take all files with the same name left of the file extension (MyMovie.iso, MyMovie.tbn, MyMovie.nfo, MyMovie.?? ), create a directory, and move all of the files into that directory? If so, a bit OT, does this slow XBMC (rather than simply having a flat directory of .ISO's)?

Thank you in advance!
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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET)24