Poll: What primary XBMC Media Center platform are you running on?
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XBMC Live (permanent installation on USB or HDD)
XBMC for Apple TV
XBMC for Linux
XBMC for Mac
XBMC for Windows
XBMC for Xbox
1929 vote(s)
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What platform are you running XBMC Media Center on?
So what do you guys want the name of the thread I'm about to move all this crap to to be called? This isn't a discussion thread, posts will be deleted if nothing is recommend within 6hrs.
Haggy Wrote:Again: that was NOT my point. I would never lean out the window and say Linux is the holy grail with next to no issues, and i simply didn't say that. I'm only and precisely referring to this:

Seems like argueing with you guys is more a waste of time and i'd better spend that helping out guys with real problems who are willing to invest more than a mouse click or two.

End of line.
I did way more than a 'mouse click or two'. I am an avid Linux user but when the box looses it's sound and IR every other day/week it's pretty damn frustrating to parade through countless threads out here that don't have any permanent solutions. You really should not be 'judging' these users. The problems are with Ubuntu - not the users.
Kodi: Shield Pro 2019
Storage: Synology DS2415+, DS1815+
HT: LG 77C3 OLED, Pioneer VSX-LX503
Speakers: ProAc Super Towers/front, ProAc EBT's/rear, Polk S35/center, SVS PB-2000 Subwoofer
just stop it here - Al's right.
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I have been using XBMC on an Xbox for quite some time now, but am in the process of migrating to suing XBMC on Windows my new Win7x64-RC1 HTPC.

"Man wants to know, and when he ceases to do so, he is no longer a man."
-Fridtjof Nansen
Managing 12 Xbox/XBMC instances across 4 households (6,3,2,1), where 3 are attached via the HD pack to high-res TVs. Critical capabilities, for us, are MPEG2 & Video-DVD playback, and ReplayTV streaming.
I bellive that the live distro has come along way
to welcome new users that dont know anything about linux.
By booting your system on the live distro you can install xbmc
very easy.

The only small problem beeing that if anything doesent work most regular
users are stuck, not knowing what to do to fix it.
That is probably the biggest scare for regular users so they go with the "safe" option in windows.

But i bellive a dedicated mediacenter box should not use windows as it really isnt made for such purposes.

a slimmed down linux live distro is really the snappiest standalone sollution, no doubt !
Its dying, its old & we are not in 3rd world countries, if the Japs had that mentality we will probably be listening to cassete players & watching VHS.

Wether you think its not good enough & its never good enough, i will tell you that if you want to stick to the xbox then its freakin "good enough". XBMC need to focus their effort else where.

There are tons of Media center front ends coming to life & the only way to compete is to focus on the future & its certainly not on the xbox.

Games you say! You need to move on & try the new generations of consols & computer gaming.
I would have to even say that linux should be next on the list. Why!!?

Well idots like me is all for simplicity, that isnt something you can get with XBMC on linux. dont ask me i dont know anything in linux but read the linux users who r complaing about IR, sound & even nvidia drivers.

Heck dont ask them, check the hardware/software developers, after all XBMC will only run if we have the hardware & the drivers(software) to back it up, having said that;
When was the last time ATI,Nvidia,Creative ....etc updated their drivers for linux compared to windows !!

And if you have to develop for Linux than just work a little on XBMC Live CD, there you have it, linux + XBMC.

Whats needed !!
Make it simple, i hate meedio but love their configuration window, adding Aeon skin for windows is not the simplest task where is my idiots way of running a simple .exe file !!

I can go on & on but i think the priority here is "Make it better & make it Simple".
Naser Wrote:... i hate meedio but love their configuration window
I can go on & on but i think the priority here is "Make it better & make it Simple".

Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search and search the forum before posting.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please read how to submit a proper bug report.

If you're interested in writing addons for xbmc, read docs and how-to for plugins and scripts ||| http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-addons/
Linux all the way for me too, 100% stable and efficient. I would comment on why I think it is far far better than Windows but there is no point adding to the flame bait. Clearly Linux works well for some, and not others, I imagine the same is true of Windows, Xbox and Live.


Naser Wrote:When was the last time ATI,Nvidia,Creative ....etc updated their drivers for linux compared to windows !!

OT: You apparently have no clue what you're talking about. This is sad - and unnecessary.
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.
Thanks for your input on Xbox, Linux and Windows there Naser! Non of which was any use to man or beast.... but you could start a nice trolling OS war and upset the Xbox users! Well in fella!
Let's stop the war here - i think all has been said regarding his post.
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.
Sorry Geeba,Haggy & the rest;

Lets start over shall we?

I voted for XBMC for windows & i love you all Wink
im running XBMC on the xbox. i've been running it for over a year, and overall i'm very pleased with what life it gave to my now obsolete xbox.

i wind up using it more for media and emulators than i do for my library of xbox games!

about linux, i worked with ubuntu hardy heron, and i gave it a real chance, but it had so many issues with driver support. it wasnt funny, i was so mad by the time i reinstalled XP. im not the guy who "wants a fix in one or two clicks", either. im a power user. an experienced programmer. when a system just "is'nt ready to be released", it shouldn't be released.
sounds like an M$ cut from the linux crowd!

i was running it full install on a laptop. it did not support higher video resolution than 640 x 480, when i would try to switch to at least 8 x 6, the screen was garbbled out. i was hoping for a 'countdown back to previous resolution' feature like the "dreaded" XP has, but it didnt have it. my screen stayed that way until i rebooted and somehow reconfigured it back.

audio problems? try this on for size: sound would come out of my single speaker, but as soon as i plugged in an external pair of speakers, headphones, etc., audio would cut out totally.

i do have an install of DSL on my xbox, and thats alright. it still lacks features needed in a good OS tho. sure, i can write a letter all day long, but i cant move icons on the desktop, i cant mount any of my partitions to it to play any media, it really just lets me use mozilla. not a big perk, really.

but, xbmc, on the box, kicks lotsa ass. i hope development keeps up on it, even if we dont get the fullest features that are arriving, us with 128Mb ram do appreciate the perks it brings us. the new youtube python script kicks ass. i still use the basic PM3 skin - i really dont see what else you need in a skin. nice large TV sized fonts, ease of use, good looks, low RAM consumption.. i dig it!
I agree with Osmorphyus. I too have been very pleased with the functionalities of the Xbox combined with XBMC. Some years ago i salvaged a working Xbox, had it chipped, loaded it with a 750HDD and voila..a working multimedia Center a the cost of almost nothing.

As many others have done, i'm upgrading to a more powerful system, running XBMC in Windows.
I predict that in 1 year from now, xbmc wil have full Blue-ray support and will be the leading platform of it's kind.
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What platform are you running XBMC Media Center on?2