Hello to all users of my script ;-)
The newest release is here ->
- Calculate the size of a rip
- Progressbar for local and remote ripping
- Ripping over network with netcat (nc)
- Suspend and Resume local rip-job
- All shell-scripts are called from the script-directory
(No need to copy all scripts to your home-dir)
changelog version 0.5 for Linux :
08/11/09 0.5H We - Typo in the EULA fixed
- All log for ssh-communication will be written to
- Implement netcat functions to ripp over the network
- dvdmaster.sh and dvdslave.sh are shell-scripts
08/21/09 We - call all ssh scripts from the ssh-directory.
- multiple corrections to the shell-scripts because
they are all started from a other place than home
- First part for a progress-bar is done. (dvd2size.sh)
- Added size parameter to function working_window
08/29/09 We - hide script until ripp is finished (inside menu).
- Added section for ssh inside README
- Added string-id 32040 - 32043 for english and german
- Logical Error removed .... If the dd script was killed
by hand or any other reason was not finished properly the
following files inside the home directory remains and
therefore the rip-menu comes not up longer to the screen.
If the dd process is not running and the file are inside
the home directory ... the files are removed.
- RIPPING_PREVIEW was never deleted
- Ripping menu not longer showed if you killed the process or
showed progress-bar and the process was finished.
08/31/09 WE - Testing background process to monitor end of dd
(I know now how it not works very well ,-( )
09/05/09 WE - Try a diffrent thing because progress.bar still crash xbmc
Ok it works now ... not as a own progress.py (removed)
09/07/09 WE - Suspend rip-job / continue rip-job do work
- Progress-bar (local ripping) do works
- Prepare script for progress-bar (network ripping)
- settings port tcp for netcat communication
(only start-number of 6 ports)
Warning :
If you have any kind of firewall installed localy
or between master and slave this 6 ports has to be
forwarded !!!
- Added string 33067 for english and german
- dvdmaster.sh will have a timeout of 3 minutes
If no dvdslave.sh is connecting to the master it will
be killed from inside the script.
09/15/09 WE - send back progress state to a connected slave is working.
- Master-script tested and integrated.
- Slave-script tested and integrated.
- This script needs to be installed inside the following directory
"$HOME/.xbmc/scripts/My Scripts/dvd-red/ssh"
Otherwise the netcat-script dvdmaster.sh and dvdslave.sh do not
work properly.
- Shellscript test-commands.sh for testing the installed software
- The state of the dvd was not tested by calling dvdslave.sh
- Integrate "Check software dependencies" into tools-menu.
- Do check for spaces inside directory-names for settings and choosen directorys
- On startup do check that the script is installed in the right
directory.(Otherwise the script will exit...)
- Cancel network slave and report back to master
- Cancel network master and report back to slave
- Network-part neeeds now 6 tcp-ports (not longer 5)
- Cancel from master to slave is working
- Cancel from slave to master is working
- Integrate logic to cancel into gui :-)
10/12/09 WE - Version 0.5h is ready ;-)
It was very hard to inplement the network ripping
feature into the script.
This is the last beta-release of the script
Known limits :
- Only use ascii-chars for ripp-directory name
(exlcuding space)
- The shell-scripts for network ripping do only
send the ip-adress of interface eth0 to the master.
- The script directory is fixed and can not be
- The master-timeout is set to 180 secounds.
Best regards from switzerland
BTW This release is a great milestone for me ......
- Allmost 2500 lines of Python-Code
- A few houndreds lines of shell-scripts